grant williams
grant williams
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God's Plan Is Way Better Than Yours
We typically based our wants (not dreams) on what we think we can have or obtain. So we limit our asking or plans to what is obtainable by us. God says, that His plan for us is better than anything we can think or dream of ! Jesus came so that we can live more abundantly then we can think or dream of...but, it has to be His Plan. God's plan is to prosper you in all areas of your life - and prosper you beyond your belief. So, who's plan do you want to go with? Listen to this weeks message and hear how much God loves you and Hear His plan for you.
zhlédnutí: 206


The Moses Anointing Part 2
zhlédnutí 130Před 10 lety
God has a plan for you, a perfect plan. There will be "things" that have and will happen to you that can get in the way of that "Plan". When you sense you are getting off track, get alone with God - don't get alone with yourself. God will lift you up and give you strength, we, typically tell ourselves how bad it is and take ourselves further away from the perfect plan. God wants you to rest and...
Why Do Temptations and Tests Come ?
zhlédnutí 46Před 10 lety
Have you ever been tempted ? How about tested ? What's the difference ? A test is to see if you have been studying and can apply what you've learned under pressure. It also gives honor and recognition to the instructor and confirms to them you are ready to move up. Temptation, is meant to take you away from what you have learned, to stop you from studying and ultimately when you give into it yo...
The Moses Anointing
zhlédnutí 565Před 10 lety
Have you ever heard the saying those who fail to plan...their plans fail? We have been taught since we were very young to plan ahead, save for a rainy day, set goals and establish the steps that it will take to get you where you want to go. So, you practice, discipline yourself and work at the skills that are needed to do your plan. But, what if there was a better plan for you ? a plan or a way...
The End Times Church
zhlédnutí 115Před 10 lety
I really like knowing what is going to happen. That's why the weather report is at the end of the newscast - they want people to stay tuned till the end. Your preparation and planning are based upon knowing what is going to happen or at least you desire to know as much as possible - it brings peace knowing you are ready. The bible bring peace as well - God is giving you a report on what it will...
You Are Anointed To Do Great Things
zhlédnutí 109Před 10 lety
Did you know that you have the same anointing that Jesus did ? Jesus said you can do even greater things than He did. You activate that anointing for God's perfect plan by doing His Will or His Plan and not yours. Don't think because you messed up once or twice or multiple times that you can't get back into Gods Perfect Plan. The moment you let His Will be done you get right back into His Perfe...
A Wise King Leaves The Earthly Kingdom To For God's Kingdom Part 2
zhlédnutí 17Před 10 lety
(Part 2 of 2) The Wise Men or Kings that followed the light (Jesus) and left their old way of living and returned differently were examples for you and I. We are new people - the old person is gone and now the Light is inside of us. Can others see the Light inside of you ? Are you wise in how you let your Light shine? Do you act like a king representing God's Kingdom ? watch this message from D...
A Wise King Leaves The Earthly Kingdom For God's Kingdom
zhlédnutí 16Před 10 lety
Have you ever believed in something so much that you left everything to pursue it ? Money, job, friends, family all became secondary to what you were called to go do ? The story of the wise men or kings or maji in the book of Matthew tell of the account of just that. These wise men representing a kingdom (of this earth) who were called maji (traveling in groups of 12) left everything they knew ...
The Beginning Reveals The Ending Part 3
zhlédnutí 34Před 10 lety
Tonight we are concluding are study (Week 3) of the book of Genesis (the book of the beginning) and how it is paralleled with the "End Time" events in the book of Revelations and the prophecies of the New Testament. Remember, God said to discover or know about the end is to go back to the beginning.
The Beginning Reveals The Ending Part 2
zhlédnutí 52Před 10 lety
Tonight we are continuing (Week 2) to look at the book of Genesis (the book of the beginning) and how it is parallel with the events in the book of Revelations and the prophecies of the new testament. How to discover or know about the end is to go back to the beginning. Remember, this follows right along with creation science and all the things that God spoke of before or in the beginning that ...
Lean Mean Fighting Kings
zhlédnutí 24Před 10 lety
As followers of Christ we are all in the battle "for the fight of our lives"! Over and over the Bible warns us what the "last days" will look like and the book of Jude makes it clear that we must all "earnestly contend for the faith". There are false teachers creeping in more and more into The Church and using God's grace as a license for immorality, perverting the grace of God. Listen and be e...
The Book Of Genesis - The Beginning Reveals The Ending Part 1
zhlédnutí 190Před 10 lety
Have you ever said, "I told you so" or "I wished you would of listened to me from the start"? If we have said it, we have probably heard it directed at us as well and thought "if only I would of listened in the beginning". Those phrases come from a position of protection by the one saying it in order that you prosper right from the beginning so in the end you are good. God said the same thing i...
Do You Closesly Associate With Stupid People ?
zhlédnutí 19Před 10 lety
We have all heard the saying you cant judge a book by it's cover...but, normally we are attracted to the book cover and buy it based on that. The cover of a magazine is what sells, to the impulse buyer, they are not thinking what's inside. But, the content or what's inside is what ultimately decides the fate of that magazine or the author - quality people are looking for quality. The same can b...
Do You Closesly Associate With Stupid People ?
zhlédnutí 35Před 10 lety
We have all heard the saying you cant judge a book by it's cover...but, normally we are attracted to the book cover and buy it based on that. The cover of a magazine is what sells, to the impulse buyer, they are not thinking what's inside. But, the content or what's inside is what ultimately decides the fate of that magazine or the author - quality people are looking for quality. The same can b...
The Big Bang Theory Is A Bust Part 3
zhlédnutí 34Před 10 lety
Every where you look confirms God is the creator of everything. For those who don't believe in God created everything are not deceived by their eyes but by their heart. All the evidence points to God and all the theories point away from Him. Don't let your heart be deceived and don't let your friends and family be deceived. Listen to this bible study fro 10/16/13 - hear the facts and know He is...
Science Is Catching Up With The Bible Part 1
zhlédnutí 82Před 10 lety
Science Is Catching Up With The Bible Part 1
The Big Bang Theory Is A Bust Part 4
zhlédnutí 76Před 10 lety
The Big Bang Theory Is A Bust Part 4
Being Righteouss Before God Elevates You Before Men
zhlédnutí 151Před 10 lety
Being Righteouss Before God Elevates You Before Men
Science Is Catching Up With The Bible Part 3
zhlédnutí 40Před 10 lety
Science Is Catching Up With The Bible Part 3
Does God Care About Foul Language ? And What Is Foul According To God
zhlédnutí 29Před 10 lety
Does God Care About Foul Language ? And What Is Foul According To God
Science Is Catching Up With The Bible Part 2
zhlédnutí 54Před 10 lety
Science Is Catching Up With The Bible Part 2
I See What You're Saying
zhlédnutí 31Před 10 lety
I See What You're Saying
You Are A King! ...Start Acting Like One
zhlédnutí 48Před 10 lety
You Are A King! ...Start Acting Like One
The Big Bang Theory Is A Bust Part 2
zhlédnutí 48Před 10 lety
The Big Bang Theory Is A Bust Part 2
The Big Bang Theory Is A Bust (Part 1)
zhlédnutí 269Před 11 lety
The Big Bang Theory Is A Bust (Part 1)
What Are Your Values Based On - The Word Or The World ?
zhlédnutí 17Před 11 lety
What Are Your Values Based On - The Word Or The World ?
What Stops You From Loving People ? People
zhlédnutí 25Před 11 lety
What Stops You From Loving People ? People
Micro And Marcro Evolution Part 1
zhlédnutí 27Před 11 lety
Micro And Marcro Evolution Part 1
zhlédnutí 6Před 11 lety
Dinosaurs And Man In The Bible (Part 3)
zhlédnutí 54Před 11 lety
Dinosaurs And Man In The Bible (Part 3)


  • @elephant637
    @elephant637 Před 4 lety

    These two videos have really helped me. They've also answered alot of questions I've had about me life. Thank you. God bless.

  • @elephant637
    @elephant637 Před 4 lety

    Great Sermon.

  • @throbgrist
    @throbgrist Před 10 lety

    The Big Bang theory has nothing to do with how the earth was created and it _doesn't_ assume that the universe came from nothing, as defined by a total absence of matter. How could God come from nothing then? Conversely, if God always existed, then it could also stand to reason that the universe always existed -- ergo, no need for a 'creator'. If this kind of question is to be looked at objectively, then the latter position is _just_ as legitimate. And can this joker actually demonstrate his claim, other than make vague affirmations? Does he have a physics degree? Many Christians have no problem with the Big Bang. The scientist who _coined_ the term was a Christian. So a 2,000 year old man-made ideology is supposed to 'explain' the workings of a universe almost 14 billion years old? Sounds pretty arrogant if you ask me. Religious apologists don't even realize their own ignorance when they make absolutist claims as science _doesn't_ claim to have absolute knowledge on how the universe began and is always testing hypotheses and theories for soundness. The Big Bang is the best model we have so far for how the natural world came to be and how it works. Can we look forward to hearing a 'Big Bang is a Bust'/Creation Science lecture at the French Academy of Sciences or the British Royal Academy? Can we look forward to seeing the Pastor getting a Nobel in Oslo anytime soon? I seriously doubt it. Believe me, Pastor, you're not doing any favours here, other than to confuse and pervert the less-informed and less-educated in the name of, not merely your ideology, but your personal ego. You are teaching them to blindly accept without teaching them to think -- something that science does _not_ do. If your Heaven accepts those who serve to purposefully cheat a generation of people who might otherwise have the potential to do great things for the human race, then that Heaven _would_ amount to nothing more than a perverse Hell. Shame on you.

  • @CuddlyPsycho1134
    @CuddlyPsycho1134 Před 10 lety

    OMG! His ignorance is astounding! What a fucking moron!

  • @CuddlyPsycho1134
    @CuddlyPsycho1134 Před 10 lety

    "Can't let your mind get in the way of the bible" WTF?!?!? LOLOLOL!!!!!

  • @CuddlyPsycho1134
    @CuddlyPsycho1134 Před 10 lety


  • @johnlamb8289
    @johnlamb8289 Před 10 lety

    this is a waste of time,, was waiting for some science but nope,,and on top of that he lies!! bad example imo

  • @MrApplewine
    @MrApplewine Před 10 lety

    Big Bang theory is about the origin of existence or the universe, not just Earth. A lot of religious people believe in it too because it sounds like something only god could do. A lot of leftist fake atheists also believe in it because they have their own lack of reason. I don't believe in the Big Bang. I believe the universe is eternal. Something can't expand into nothing and you can't have a singularity from nothing. The physics are also made up and corrected after the fact just like Global Warming nonsense.

  • @HugeJohn51
    @HugeJohn51 Před 11 lety

    Willing ignorant in the Greek means dumb on purpose? There is no Greek there, it's English!

  • @HugeJohn51
    @HugeJohn51 Před 11 lety

    "Willingly ignorant

  • @HugeJohn51
    @HugeJohn51 Před 11 lety

    This guy is insanely stupid. I like to listen to decent creationists, it's entertaining, but this guy is so dumb it's just too painful.

  • @keitheyoung
    @keitheyoung Před 11 lety

    "In the beginning God created everything" isn't true. Therefore none of it is true. Thank you for disproving Christianity.

  • @lease2coach1
    @lease2coach1 Před 11 lety

    No human was around at the beginning of our universe (OU), so no one knows *exactly* what happened; hey, maybe a "god" DID start it! So? THAT WAS THEN. How do you get from A) a being created OU, ~14bya (or ~6kya!), to B) that same being operates in OU today, occasionally breaks its physical laws (so as to work miracles), and needs worship/obedience? From A to B is not a logical step. It's purely an unjustified assumption. To believe a "deity" operates nowadays I'll need valid *current* evidence.