Trump Dumps
Trump Dumps
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  • @sammyt4822
    @sammyt4822 Před 59 minutami

    10 commandments. False witnesses? They claim to be religious.

  • @cjbrown1979
    @cjbrown1979 Před 3 hodinami

    These people are such suckers and losers.

  • @codymcgonagill5392
    @codymcgonagill5392 Před 4 hodinami

    If your that stupid we can't be friends

  • @glenmorton-vt1vu
    @glenmorton-vt1vu Před 9 hodinami

    Biden has drilled more than trump

  • @vivianfeliciano4351
    @vivianfeliciano4351 Před 15 hodinami

    i can’t listen to these fools

  • @lisahale6703
    @lisahale6703 Před 19 hodinami

    It doesn't matter now, Biden has qualified immunity for all of his Presidential duties while in office. Thank you, DJT!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @bettyeaston8707
    @bettyeaston8707 Před 21 hodinou

    And I have found this true of trump supporters. Try to have an intelligent conversation them and the minuyou bring up a point that has proven about him they get mad and shut down

  • @user-wp2pc1kq8t
    @user-wp2pc1kq8t Před dnem

    Can't talk to friends and family they get triggered to quick when you talk politics

  • @meglink66
    @meglink66 Před dnem

    Comer Pyle is an idiot!

  • @mikeduquesne3630
    @mikeduquesne3630 Před dnem


  • @walterpearlman143
    @walterpearlman143 Před dnem

    Every one of the Trump hate spewing friends will never talk about their Biden vote and it’s result

  • @raydelv
    @raydelv Před dnem

    If you can’t have an open adult conversation with your friends, then they were never your friends. They were only acquaintances.

  • @liers2va
    @liers2va Před dnem

    Sad state of affairs

  • @XXX-rc6qt
    @XXX-rc6qt Před dnem

    If a known pathological liar like Trump hasn’t insulted your intelligence, then you have none..

  • @glenmorton-vt1vu
    @glenmorton-vt1vu Před dnem

    Biden drilled more

  • @jackmewhalle6937
    @jackmewhalle6937 Před dnem

    That says it all right there. One thinks with logic and the other thinks with emotions.

  • @timmurphy3609
    @timmurphy3609 Před dnem

    We're gonna get into that....never gets into that

  • @JKB-ji6xl
    @JKB-ji6xl Před dnem

    "I love the uneducated." - Donald Trump

  • @user-yd5wv8ev4l
    @user-yd5wv8ev4l Před dnem

    I live with a Trump supporter. I don't like him nor dislike Trump, but I can't even express my opinion to him cause he gets mad at over nothing. I choose to say something against Trump, but then I can ever get a word in. So I just don't say anything anymore

  • @mikethebike7372
    @mikethebike7372 Před dnem

    This fella speaks the truth. Most of them are so delusional and indoctrinated it's pathetic.

    • @JKB-ji6xl
      @JKB-ji6xl Před dnem

      You describe Maga perfectly.

  • @moflo9482
    @moflo9482 Před dnem

    Hey this guy been investigating joe biden for years everyone knows he keeps coming up with nothing we laughing at this moron & his bullshit investigation lol 😂

  • @user-rv9go2ju5r
    @user-rv9go2ju5r Před dnem

    If could vote back in 2008, I would vote for Obama but I was so busy with my life that I didn’t have time to actually pay attention to anything else. Obama was and is a race hustler, his wife is a bigger race hustler. Democrats are all corrupt. Look at the way they threw Joe out in the garbage!! No way I am voting for these group of democrats but never say never.

  • @yxng.sib00
    @yxng.sib00 Před 2 dny

    Thats the difference between a TRUE HEART AMERICAN AND THESE RADICAL LEFT

  • @stephmusicgallery
    @stephmusicgallery Před 2 dny

    This post is a prime example of a low information voter. If only this man knew that "drill baby drill" is about Trump destroying the planet, a fact that will ensure that he won't have anywhere to live. Real smart move on Trump's part if you do not mind contributing to the destruction of the planet. Great interview. Please conduct more of these interactions.

  • @jefferyblack6759
    @jefferyblack6759 Před 2 dny

    Lying all the time your man did this for 4years

  • @CarlWTownMoneySaver

    This so true !!

  • @JoesphBlow-d5f
    @JoesphBlow-d5f Před 2 dny

    Before Trump this country was civil to one another all the time but, come on! most of us knew who is before 2015 and now that he’s been convicted of 34 felonies (this was never political) he has always been a criminal who doesn’t pay his taxes doesn’t pay his contractors rapes women and now he has sent an armed mob to our capitol not to mention murdered 78,000 of your fellow Republicans by getting them to drink bleach increased the national debt by 2 trillion dollars most of which went to his own organization and you still support him THERE IS NOTHING LEFT TO TALK ABOUT

  • @andreatowne8300
    @andreatowne8300 Před 2 dny

    B4 biden people talked didn't base their friendships on ur political party, they based it on who the whole person. Sad sad sad.

  • @RichardKincaid-hz7em

    Did somebody figure out it's the richies. This is not that they have money it means they steal others money.

  • @MichaelAllen-nz8qz
    @MichaelAllen-nz8qz Před 2 dny

    Crime is you got elected

  • @daleradder7354
    @daleradder7354 Před 3 dny

    Ever notice how the media always ask what the crime is. We all know how the Bidens were paid millions for political favors. That's the Crime.

  • @goldensun433
    @goldensun433 Před 3 dny

    Dumb dumb nincompoop

  • @jimmybooles9447
    @jimmybooles9447 Před 3 dny

    I am not friends with any liberals. Don’t care if it’s mom, brother best man at my wedding… you’re a liberal ( we ain’t friends

  • @user-dk2hi8kw8n
    @user-dk2hi8kw8n Před 3 dny

    He's been saying "we're going 2 get into that" 4 five years now.🤷‍♂️🤔😅😂🤣

  • @charlesterry5234
    @charlesterry5234 Před 3 dny

    Out of all the evidence that proves that Trump is a serial liar and all the convictions and after hearing all the things that Trump has said including inciting an attack on our Nations capital,and that Republican person wants to have a conversation about Trump,There is no need to have a conversation Trump is unfit in every way to be on a ballot for anything.

  • @user-fo9nk5sh3b
    @user-fo9nk5sh3b Před 3 dny

  • @user-fo9nk5sh3b
    @user-fo9nk5sh3b Před 3 dny

    He got us: No border security. No COVID response. No wall. No Mexico paying for it. No affordable groceries. No cheap gas. No untaxable tips. No low interest rates on mortgages. No draining of the swamp. No infrastructure bill. No healthcare. No coverage for preexisting conditions. No lower middle-class taxes. No coal industry. No jobs in Racine, Wisconsin. No deficit reduction. Added $6 trillion to the national debt. No lower prescription drugs prices. No increase in manufacturing. No end to opioids. No draining of the swamp. He had his 4 years and we got unfinished wall, lame healthcare, plus impeachments and crimes. He promised to be the voice of the common people. He’s made his rich friends richer, increased the political power of big corporations and the wealthy, and harmed working Americans. He botched Racine, Wisconsin Foxconn Project and it went nowhere. The NEXT PRESIDENT eventually came in to establish a new multi-billion-dollar Microsoft investment at the same site where his administration project failed He botched handling Covid. Golfed 250 times costing $136 million. No healthcare program after denouncing Obamacare/Affordable Care Act and confused the two names as different things. He said he’d cut your taxes, and that the super-rich like him would pay more. He did the opposite. By 2027, the richest 1 percent will have received 83 percent of his tax cut and the richest 0.1 percent, 60 percent of it. But more than half of all Americans will pay more in taxes. He said corporations would use their tax cuts to invest in American workers. They didn’t. Corporations spent more of their tax savings buying back shares of their own stock than increasing workers’ wages. He said he would boost economic growth by 4 percent a year. Nope. The economy stalled, and unemployment has soared to the highest levels since the Great Depression. Just over half of working-age Americans are employed-the worst ratio in 70 years. He said he wouldn’t “cut Social Security like every other Republican and I’m not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid.” His latest budget includes billions in cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. He promised to be “the voice” of American workers. He hasn’t. His administration has stripped workers of their rights, repealed overtime protections, rolled back workplace safety rules, and turned a blind eye to employers who steal their workers’ wages. He promised that the average American family would see a $4,000 pay raise because of his tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations. But nothing trickled down. Wages for most Americans have barely kept up with inflation. He promised that anyone who wants a test for COVID will get one. But countless Americans still can’t get a test. He said hydroxychloroquine protects against coronavirus. No way. The FDA revoked its emergency authorization due to the drug’s potentially lethal side effects. He promised to eliminate the federal deficit. He has increased the federal deficit by more than 60 percent. He said he would hire “only the best people.” He has fired a record number of his own Cabinet and White House picks, and then called them “whackos,” “dumb as a rock,” and “not mentally qualified.” Six of them have been charged with crimes. He promised to bring down the price of prescription drugs and said drug companies are “getting away with murder.” They still are. Drug prices have soared, and a company that got federal funds to develop a drug to treat coronavirus is charging $3,000 a pop. He promised to revive the struggling coal industry and bring back lost coal mining jobs. The coal industry has continued to lose jobs as clean energy becomes cheaper. He promised to help American workers during the pandemic. But 80 percent of the tax benefits in the coronavirus stimulus package have gone to millionaires and billionaires. And at least 21 million Americans have lost extra unemployment benefits, with no new stimulus check to fall back on. He said he’d drain the swamp. Instead, he’s brought into his administration more billionaires, CEOs, and Wall Street moguls than in any administration in history, and he’s filled departments and agencies with former lobbyists, lawyers, and consultants who are crafting new policies for the same industries they used to work for. He promised to protect Americans with pre-existing conditions. His Justice Department is trying to repeal the entire Affordable Care Act, including protections for people with pre-existing conditions. He said Mexico would pay for his border wall. The wall will cost American taxpayers an estimated $11 billion. He promised to bring peace to the Middle East. Instead, tensions have increased and his so-called “peace plan” was dead on arrival. He promised to lock up Hillary Clinton for using a private email server. He didn’t. Funny enough, Tr*mp uses his personal cellphone for official business, and several members of his own administration, including Jared Kushner and Ivanka, have used private email in the White House. He promised to use his business experience to whip the federal government into shape. He hasn’t. His White House is in permanent chaos. He caused the longest government shutdown in our nation’s history when he didn’t get funding for his wall. He promised to end DACA. The Supreme Court ruled that his plan to deport 700,000 young immigrants was unconstitutional, and DACA still stands. He promised “six weeks of paid maternity leave to any mother with a newborn child whose employer does not provide the benefit.” He hasn’t delivered. He promised to bring an end to Kim Jong Un’s nuclear program. Kim is expanding North Korea’s nuclear program. 26. He said he would distance himself from his business while in the office. He continues to make money from his properties and maintain his grip on his real estate empire. He said he’d force companies to keep jobs in America, and that there would be consequences for companies that shipped jobs abroad. Since he took office, companies like GE, Carrier, Ford, and Harley Davidson have continued to outsource thousands of jobs while still receiving massive tax breaks. And offshoring by federal contractors has increased. He promised to end the opioid crisis. Americans are now more likely to die from an opioid overdose than a car accident. He said he’d release his tax returns. It’s been nearly four years. He hasn’t released his tax returns. He promised to tear up the Iran nuclear deal and renegotiate a better deal. Negotiations have gone nowhere, and he brought us to the brink of war. He promised to enact term limits for all members of Congress. He has not even tried to enact term limits. He promised that China would pay for tariffs on imported goods. His trade war has cost U.S. consumers $34 billion a year, eliminated 300,000 American jobs, and cost American taxpayers $22 billion in subsidies for farmers hurt by the tariffs. He promised to “push colleges to cut the skyrocketing cost of tuition.” Instead, he’s made it easier for for-profit colleges to defraud students, and tuition is still rising. He promised to protect American steel jobs. The steel industry continues to lose jobs. He promised tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations would spur economic growth and pay for themselves. His tax cuts will add $2 trillion to the federal deficit. After pulling out of the Paris climate accord, he said he’d negotiate a better deal on the environment. He hasn’t attempted to negotiate any deal. He promised that the many women who accused him of sexual misconduct “will be sued after the election is over.” He hasn’t sued them, presumably because he doesn’t want the truth to come out. He promised to bring back all troops from Afghanistan. He now says: “We’ll always have somebody there.” He pledged to put America first. Instead, he’s deferred to dictators and authoritarians at America’s expense, and ostracized our allies-who now laugh at us behind our back.

  • @user-fo9nk5sh3b
    @user-fo9nk5sh3b Před 4 dny

    She doesn't want communism, but she'll get Naziism.

  • @assaultwave86
    @assaultwave86 Před 4 dny

    My liberal family will not discuss any policies or facts with me. It's sad.

  • @pholland8353
    @pholland8353 Před 4 dny

    LMAO! It’s been like watching that ‘reality’ show about finding Bigfoot. They never really did

  • @chipbryant9477
    @chipbryant9477 Před 4 dny

    I have friends and family that are on the liberal side. You just have to put aside the political side of it .

  • @dominicmassaconi6160

    Democrats are destroying America 🇺🇸

  • @radaconstantin4575
    @radaconstantin4575 Před 4 dny

    We love Donald Trump

  • @sanfordeheath7160
    @sanfordeheath7160 Před 4 dny

    Republicans are always good at blaming Democrats for what they actually do.

  • @veronicacoleck4142
    @veronicacoleck4142 Před 4 dny

    Democrats are angry and want to end you physically

  • @user-nf9zo7tl9l
    @user-nf9zo7tl9l Před 4 dny


  • @thomastaylor6699
    @thomastaylor6699 Před 4 dny

    I agree with this man with the hat. It's hard to hold a conversation with a democrat because their leadership has screwed everything up the past 4 years.

  • @stdanisan
    @stdanisan Před 4 dny

    Donkey Party pro choice became pro abortion, Donkey Party has to keep the force jab intact, not a Joke, 😄😄😄😄😂😂😂😂

  • @LarryLamb-wb6nw
    @LarryLamb-wb6nw Před 5 dny

    Comer doesn't know ,just talking heads,right ?

  • @user-rv9go2ju5r
    @user-rv9go2ju5r Před 5 dny

    He is 💯 correct.