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5 Best Baritone Opera Renditions and Arias [HQ]
5 Best Baritone Opera Renditions and Arias [HQ]
zhlédnutí: 119 232



  • @user-zt8bm3lm5g
    @user-zt8bm3lm5g Před 4 měsíci

    Grazie mille ! Развивайте ваш канал, не останавливайтесь, пожалуйста. Предлагаю... Найдите раннее выступление Bastianini в «Traviata” 52 г. до Callas-55 г. LaScala, поставьте на одну дорожку для сравнения, а я сделаю хороший пост и кое что напишу об истории дружбы Bastianini и Callas... Поверьте это будет интересно. Я очень сожалею, что интерес к певцам прошлого, особенно к Bastianini, как-то притупляется и это печально... А ведь, помимо его карьеры певца, а она была не легкая и трагическая, но и другая сторона жизни, не менее интересная и не лёгкая , а порой и трагичная. Вобшем желаю вам дальнейших успехов!😊☺️🤜🎼🎶🎶🎶🎶💕

  • @qtip4881
    @qtip4881 Před 6 měsíci

    Dont tell me i have to learn italian (even neapolitan) to sing baritone opera x(....

  • @RodneytheOperaRat
    @RodneytheOperaRat Před 8 měsíci

    06:05 *Anyone that’s a Looney Tunes or a Chuck Jones fan might know this😂❤🩵*

  • @kennethwayne6857
    @kennethwayne6857 Před 9 měsíci

    Nice to hear Escamillo sung by a genuine Frenchman.

  • @kennethwayne6857
    @kennethwayne6857 Před 9 měsíci

    Excellent choices!

  • @sananton2821
    @sananton2821 Před 9 měsíci

    Battistini. Ruffo. Tibbett. Schlusnus. Stracciari. Bellantoni. Weede. Crabbé. Renaud. Inghilleri. Pacini. Giraldoni. Merrill. Ancona. Magini-Coletti. Maugeri. Milani. Albinolo. Galeffi. Urbano. Karakash. Zakharov. Maksakov. De Franceschi. Amato. Danise. Campanari. Duhan. Formichi. Schwarz. Segura-Talien. De la Torre. Rawnsley. Rimini. Viglione-Borghese. Basiola. Cambon. Endrèze. Eddy. Thomas L. Thomas. Laurenti.

  • @DGJ-gq6kj
    @DGJ-gq6kj Před 10 měsíci

    Bastianini is the only one here who could be considered one of 'the best' - many would put him right at the top, purely in terms of his vocal ressources, second only to Ruffo, maybe, or Tibbett. But the others ... As other people have said, there are lots of great baritones missing. If you like Tito Gobbi, as I do, take a look at this video presentation I've put together:

  • @deehhXr666
    @deehhXr666 Před rokem

    "Il mare eterno nella mia anima" - is also a wonderful song

  • @wendyroach162
    @wendyroach162 Před rokem

    Beautiful voice

  • @ingriddoppler
    @ingriddoppler Před rokem

    I also miss R. Merrill and G. G. Zancanaro here 🤔

  • @tulaysinmaz9664
    @tulaysinmaz9664 Před 2 lety

    Breataking performances wonderful sharing thank you bravo!!💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💙💙💙💙👏👏👏👏👏

  • @eegreque
    @eegreque Před 2 lety

    I love Bastianini's great baritone voice

  • @ryangarcia6323
    @ryangarcia6323 Před 2 lety

    Vide 'o mare quante bello, Spira tantu sentimento, Comme tu a chi tiene mente, Ca scetato 'o faie sunna. Guarda, gua, chistu ciardino; Siente, sie sti sciure arance: Nu profumo accussi fino Dinto 'o core se ne va E tu dice: "I parto, addio!" Talluntane da stu core Da sta terra de lammore Tiene 'o core 'e nun turna Ma nun me lassa, Nun darme stu turmiento! Torna a Surriento, Famme campa Vide 'o mare de Surriento, Che tesoro tene funno: Chi ha girato tutto 'o munno Nun l'ha visto como ca Guarda attuorno sti Serene, Ca te guardano 'ncantate, E te vonno tantu bene... Te vulessero vasa. E tu dice: "I' parto, addio!" T'alluntane da stu core Da sta terra de l'ammore Tiene 'o core 'e nun turna Ma nun me lass, Nun darme stu turmiento! Torna a Surriento, Famme campa! Torna a Surriento

  • @elisabethweinreich5617

    Muy bueno

  • @user-bm3pd5rn9h
    @user-bm3pd5rn9h Před 2 lety

    Thomas hampsons rendition of largo, is the best? That's laughable. There is an army of Korean unknown baritones that would top this performance, any day of the week.

  • @craigcollins6904
    @craigcollins6904 Před 2 lety

    The first two aren't opera arias, they are Neapolitan songs. Hampson's Largo is far from the best recording. He sounds like a tenor singing the aria.

  • @joaquim02
    @joaquim02 Před 2 lety

    This is the first time I hear Bastianini. What a wonderful singer.

    • @ingriddoppler
      @ingriddoppler Před rokem

      Realy ?? Where have you been all those years 😄😅

    • @joaquim02
      @joaquim02 Před rokem

      @@ingriddoppler better late than never!

    • @rosemaryallen2128
      @rosemaryallen2128 Před rokem

      So glad you found him! I myself came to baritones late, and I've never looked back! The great Tito Gobbi is one of the best singers of all time.

  • @lifenote1943
    @lifenote1943 Před 3 lety

    listening to this while reading some horny scenes yes very nice

  • @user-yl4lv3sx3w
    @user-yl4lv3sx3w Před 3 lety

    Слушайте мирового гения Дмитрия Хворостовского. У него голос Бога ! Слушаю его с утра до вечера каждый день и не могу на слушаться никак !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @eegreque
      @eegreque Před 2 lety

      Ни в коем случае

    • @user-zt8bm3lm5g
      @user-zt8bm3lm5g Před 6 měsíci

      Даже близко нельзя сравнивать Великого Ettore Bastianini с кем бы то ни было!!! А уж говорить о Хворостовском , как о великом- это просто « кощунство» Я чту память о нём, и на фоне той бездарщины , которая охватила практически всю певческую камарилью во всех странах - он- Хворостовский;- действительно , хорош, но не великий... как это не печально!! Бастианини- это не случайность, а закономерность, которая передовалась на генетическом уровне , ещё с тех времён 19 века и докатилась до20 века, а Ettore и есть тот самый генетический фонд , которому , досталось иметь это счастье-- ГОЛОС « Бронзы и Бархата» Отсюда вывод:- сравнивать никогда, ни в какие времена невозможно.. ТАБУ.!!!!! Если вам понравилось, что я написала, то дайте мне знать. Я с удовольствием подискутирую о Бастианини, т. к. Многие о нём мало что знают и понимают . 😊🙏🙏🙏

    • @leonardcohen5529
      @leonardcohen5529 Před 4 měsíci

      ​@@user-zt8bm3lm5g может он/а кроме Хворостовского никого не слышал/а, поэтому понятен этот восторг. Мне же, например, даже странно было бы слушать этого певца после Бастианини, Гуэльфи, Мерилла, Каппуччилли и других выдающихся баритонов.

  • @user-yl4lv3sx3w
    @user-yl4lv3sx3w Před 3 lety

    Мне больше всех нравится исполнение Дмитрием Хворостовским. У Бастианини в голосе присутствует какая-то хриплость, не знаю, мне лично она режет ухо. А вот Д.Х. поёт голосом Бога !

  • @danielrodriguez9630
    @danielrodriguez9630 Před 3 lety

    Estos temas los habia escuchado. Por tenores. Pero ellos los bordan...

  • @VicenteMReyes-vs9nh
    @VicenteMReyes-vs9nh Před 3 lety

    “Largo al factotum” from Il barbiere di Siviglia: “Hai già vinta la causa…Vedró mentr’io sospiro” from Le nozze di Figaro “Bella siccome un angelo” from Don Pasquale “Come Paride vezzoso” from L’elisir d’amore “Ah! Vittoria! Vittoria!” from Gianni Schicchi: “Di Provenza, il mar, il suol” from La Traviata “Avant de quitter” from Faust: "Votre toast” from Carmen “L’orage s’est calme” from Les Pêcheurs de perles: “Mab, la reine des mensonges” from Roméo et Juliette: “O du, mein holder Abendstern” from Tannhäuser “Mein Sehnen, mein Wähnen” from Die tote Stadt: “Papagena, Papagena, Papagena!” From Die Zauberflöte: “Lieben, Hassen, Hoffen, Zagen” from Ariadne auf Naxos: Both Onegin Arias from Eugen Onegin Robert’s Aria from Iolanta: Yeletsky’s Aria from The Queen of Spades “Warm as the Autumn Light” from The Ballad of Baby Doe “Look, through the port comes the moonshine astray (Billy in the darbies)” from Billy Budd:

  • @annemariefleming
    @annemariefleming Před 3 lety

    Why so much of Bastianini? No Gobbi. No Raimondi. No Russian baritones. Very limited.

    • @bassoprof
      @bassoprof Před 2 lety

      Fleming: "Why so much of Bastianini?" My my my, what a question! Probably the uploader of this video rightly considers Bastianini, as I and millions of people from all corners of the world do, one of the best baritones ever lived. Nevertheless, you are right, some others, like Apollo Granforte, Gobi etc. should have been included in this video. Coming to the rest of your comment...Raimondi is mostly considered a basso, sometimes, in my view correctly a bass-baritone. As far as I know he is not characterised as one of the greats in either category. Your last remark, "No Russian baritones. " Slavic peoples and Russions produce great Bassos. I am not aware of any great Russian baritone who would have deserved to be included in this video.

    • @ronnieince4568
      @ronnieince4568 Před rokem

      @@bassoprof Pavel Litisiaan -simply a great Russian baritone.

  • @Pwn3540
    @Pwn3540 Před 3 lety

    Nice picks! One if my favorites is Tre Sbirri, Una Carozza

  • @lsmart
    @lsmart Před 3 lety

    One can argue whether Bastianini was the greatest baritone, or whether he only belongs after a number of other top baritones who are even better - but few opera buffs would ridicule anyone who places Bastianini first, simply because of the glorious beauty and size of his voice. However, with all due respect, placing three of his recordings alongside one by Hampson, an OK but far weaker baritone in both voice and singing, as well as a mediocre Torreador Song performance by a 3rd rate singer is almost laughable.

    • @kenwasser6186
      @kenwasser6186 Před 3 lety

      You are so right about Hampson. His greatest gift is his ambassadorship of song. But I admire anyone who achieves their dreams.

    • @lsmart
      @lsmart Před 3 lety

      @@kenwasser6186 Yep. He's made to sing Mahler lieder, not Verdi opera.

    • @ingriddoppler
      @ingriddoppler Před rokem


  • @abcdefgh-db1to
    @abcdefgh-db1to Před 4 lety

    Hampson is no baritone !!!! Should have included the greatest of all : Titta Ruffo Should have also included Apollo Granforte, Guiseppe Danise, Giangiacomo Guelfi or Afro Poli

    • @joandebruin3847
      @joandebruin3847 Před 2 lety

      What about Dmitri Hvrostovsky?He had a beautiful baritone voice.

    • @abcdefgh-db1to
      @abcdefgh-db1to Před 2 lety

      @@joandebruin3847 he definitely wasn't a great baritone, no power no real depth. Definitely not in the league of the ones I mentioned.

    • @ronnieince4568
      @ronnieince4568 Před rokem

      Also Umberto Urbano

    • @Katharsis44-091
      @Katharsis44-091 Před rokem

      I like Bruson.

  • @gabetoso2533
    @gabetoso2533 Před 4 lety

    None of those pieces are for the Baroque Era. re title this video

  • @pepeelsordo
    @pepeelsordo Před 4 lety

    I only hear 3 different baritones. The other one of which name I don't want to remember, is not, will not and was never a baritone. Just a disgrace of a baritone. A product of people who never understood anything about voices, like Levine and company. Bastiannini, as always a lesson of how a baritone SHOULD sound.

  • @lacemaker427swohio5
    @lacemaker427swohio5 Před 5 lety

    So happy to have fund these amazing baritones, when the tenors seem to get most of the love. A talented baritone will out sing a tenor any day!

    • @martenspitzner408
      @martenspitzner408 Před 3 lety

      Which is why most of the modern or rather modern singers, whose singing voice is considered immortal and inimitable, are baritones. Frank Sinatra, Elvis Pressley, Freddie Mercury (Yes, Freddie mercury was definately a Baritone, though a light baritone), John Lennon, Johnny Cash.....Just to name the greatest of the great names..... But I must say that it's really nice to read words like yours because baritones often have to train way harder and more often than bass-singers or tenors and often don't get the credit for their hard work. How do i know that? I'm a choir singer and naturally a baritone, but most of the times i'm forced to sing the tenor parts or bass singer parts because most choir materials only include Tenor or bass singer voice lines.

    • @lacemaker427swohio5
      @lacemaker427swohio5 Před 3 lety

      @@martenspitzner408 Tenor, humbug! I love a talented baritone-bass, my husband. My father was a baritone as well. I love church choirs and opera, but frankly, tenors bore me - a dime a dozen. To you, Martin, may I suggest soloing at church?

    • @martenspitzner408
      @martenspitzner408 Před 3 lety

      @@lacemaker427swohio5 Once it's allowed to sing in churches, again, i might start to do that for me mother. For years, I She ( a mezzo soprano) kept asking and begging me to join her choir and some two years ago, when i started to train my singing voice for fun( i sing in mixed modern/opera style like Freddie Mercury did) , she invited me to a voice training session she and friends from her choir joined once a year. And for the love of me mother i joined her choir afterwards and thanks to insisting to train in the bass ( though I'm naturally a light and high baritone like Freddie Mercury was) , i can now sing as deep as F2, on a good day even an E2 ( normally Baritones can only sing as deep as around G2). And boy you can tell how happy she now is by a simple look in her eyes.

    • @erikhorvath4297
      @erikhorvath4297 Před 2 lety

      @@martenspitzner408 oh my god??? So far i thought these are singers were tenors I mean Frank Sinatra and Freddie Mercury holy sh*T🤣, although i'm baritone but i'm also countertenor but there is only one university where I could improve my voice further as a countertenor but I have just started music high school so university is still unaproachable for me😅

    • @martenspitzner408
      @martenspitzner408 Před 2 lety

      @@erikhorvath4297 A baritone can't be a countertenor as well. they in fact couldn't be further away from each other in all terms. A countertenor doesn't have the warmth and strength in his voice while a baritone can only hit countertenornotes with his head voice, but it wouldn't sound like a countertenor. What's likely is that you are a light baritone with an extended vocal range towards the high notes ( Meaning a baritone with a well trained head voice). So am i as well by the way and so was Freddie Mercury.

  • @rachelvo5128
    @rachelvo5128 Před 5 lety

    00:00 Ettore Bastianini - Core 'ngrato (Neapolitan classic) 02:45 Ettore Bastianini - Torna a Surriento (Neapolitan classic) 06:05 Thomas Hampson - Largo al factotum (aria from "The Barber of Seville") 10:46 Ettore Bastianini - Cortigiani, vil razza dannata (aria from "Rigoletto") 18:40 Laurent Naouri - Toreador Song (aria from "Carmen")

  • @csgarrison118
    @csgarrison118 Před 6 lety

    what song is this called?

    • @SaxandRelax
      @SaxandRelax Před 4 lety

      legend says he never found out

    • @vjnweb
      @vjnweb Před 4 lety

      It is listed above.

    • @siglino
      @siglino Před 3 lety

      Catari or Core n'grato

  • @Veruska258
    @Veruska258 Před 6 lety

    Ária de Ópera é bem diferente de Core Ingrato que é Canção Napolitana

  • @davidasenov5394
    @davidasenov5394 Před 6 lety

    Great music! Thank you!

  • @luvd2bme
    @luvd2bme Před 7 lety

    good collection, but wish it showed the baritones while singing the arias.

    • @vjnweb
      @vjnweb Před 4 lety

      That was magnificent!

  • @maryderose9939
    @maryderose9939 Před 7 lety

    Come on man! How about a libretto!

    • @eegreque
      @eegreque Před 2 lety

      Come on man, internet will help you!