Independent POV
Independent POV
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Der Mann der zu viel wusste | Dokumentarfilm
Ein Dokumentarfilm über einen ehemaligen Geheimdienstoffizier, der den Gebrauch von Fake News durch Geheimdienste auffliegen liess und dem ein Mord angehängt wurde.
„Der Mann der zu viel wusste“ ist ein Dokumentarfilm von Michael Oswald über Colin Wallace, einen ehemaligen Offizier des Militärgeheimdienstes in Grossbritannien, der an psychologischen Operationen in Nordirland beteiligt war. Colin Wallace verbreitete Fake News, schürte eine Hexenhysterie, verleumdete Politiker und versuchte, Gemeinschaften und Organisationen zu spalten und Konflikte zu schüren. Er geriet mit Mitgliedern des Geheimdienstes aneinander und wurde des Mordes beschuldigt.
Soundtrack von Marc van der Meulen:
Apple Music:
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El hombre que sabía demasiado | Documental en Español
zhlédnutí 1,3KPřed 6 měsíci
Este es un documental sobre un oficial de inteligencia que al denunciar noticias falsas, resultó acusado de asesinato. El hombre que sabía demasiado es un documental de Michael Oswald sobre Colin Wallace un ex oficial de inteligencia militar involucrado en operaciones psicológicas en Irlanda del Norte. Colin Wallace difundió noticias falsas, generó un pánico colectivo de brujería, difamó políti...
الرجل الذي عرف أكثر من اللازم (فيلم وثائقي)
zhlédnutí 1,1KPřed 6 měsíci
فيلم وثائقي عن ضابط مخابرات فضح الأخبار المزيفة وتم تلفيق تهمة قتل له. الرجل الذي عرف أكثر من اللازم هو فيلم وثائقي من إخراج مايكل أوزوالد عن كولن والاس؛ ضابط سابق في المخابرات العسكرية شارك في العمليات السيكولوجية في أيرلندا الشمالية. نشر كولن والاس أخبار مزيفة، وخلق رعبًا من السحر، وشوه سمعة السياسيين، وحاول تقسيم وخلق الصراعات بين المجتمعات والمنظمات والأفراد. بعد أن سقط مع رؤسائه، تم اتهامه...
L'Uomo che Sapeva Troppo | Film-documentario
zhlédnutí 1,5KPřed 6 měsíci
Un film-documentario sull'agente segreto dei servizi segreti che mise a nudo le falsità e che per questo fu incastrato per omicidio. Michael Oswald è l'autore di "L'Uomo che Sapeva Troppo" un film-documentario su Colin Wallace, ex-agente dei servizi segreti militari coinvolto in operazioni di carattere psicologico in Irlanda del Nord. Colin Wallace diffuse notizie false, seminò il terrore per l...
O Homem Que Sabia De Mais | Documentário
zhlédnutí 535Před 6 měsíci
Um documentário sobre um agente da inteligência que denunciou notícias falsas e foi acusado de assassinato. O Homem Que Sabia De Mais (original “The Man Who Knew Too Much”) é um documentário de Michael Oswald sobre Colin Wallace, um ex-oficial da Inteligência Militar envolvido em operações psicológicas na Irlanda do Norte. Colin Wallace espalhou notícias falsas, criou um susto em torno de bruxa...
zhlédnutí 1,1KPřed 6 měsíci
L'homme qui en savait trop est un documentaire de Michael Oswald sur Colin Wallace, un ancien officier du renseignement militaire Britannique impliqué dans des opérations psychologiques en Irlande du Nord. Colin Wallace a diffusé de fausses informations, créé une peur de la sorcellerie, diffamé des politiciens et tenté de diviser et de créer des conflits entre les communautés, les organisations...
Arshad Sharif on Panama Papers and Sharif Family
zhlédnutí 2,1KPřed 8 měsíci
Extras from our documentary Behind Closed Doors about "corruption in high places and those who enable it." The interview was filmed over a year ago so it reflects the realities of the time. Arshad Sharif was tragically shot and killed in Kenya in October 2022 after fleeing Pakistan. Watch the full documentary here: Sign up to our Mailing List and hear abo...
A Huis Clos | Un documentaire sur la façon dont l'Ouest encourage la corruption dans le monde
zhlédnutí 805Před 8 měsíci
Les Personnes Politiquement Exposées (PPE) sont des personnes exerçant des fonctions au service de l’intérêt général qui présentent à ce titre, un risque plus élevé d’être impliquées dans des affaires de corruption et de pots de vin. Les révélations concernant les juridictions offshore ont à maintes reprises mis en lumière le fait que certaines PPE ont recours aux juridictions offshore britanni...
Arshad Sharif on Secret Deals of Nawaz Sharif
zhlédnutí 1KPřed 8 měsíci
Extras from our documentary Behind Closed Doors about "corruption in high places and those who enable it." The interview was filmed over a year ago so it reflects the realities of the time. Arshad Sharif was tragically shot and killed in Kenya in October 2022 after fleeing Pakistan. Watch the full documentary here: Sign up to our Mailing List and hear abo...
Imran Khan on Bringing Powerful under the Rule of Law
zhlédnutí 1,1KPřed 8 měsíci
Extras from our documentary Behind Closed Doors about "corruption in high places and those who enable it." The interview was filmed over a year ago so it reflects the realities of the time. Imran Khan was deposed in April 2022 and was the subject of an assassination attempt suffering multiple gunshot wounds. The Pakistani Military has asked the media not to cover Imran Khan, many of his support...
Behind Closed Doors | Dokumentarfilm über Korruption und Geldwäsche
zhlédnutí 1,1KPřed 8 měsíci
Ein Film über Korruption und Geldwäsche in hohen Positionen und diejenigen, die dies ermöglichen. Politisch exponierte Personen (PEP) sind Personen, die ein öffentliches Amt ausüben und daher ein höheres Risiko aufweisen, in Bestechung oder Korruption verwickelt zu werden. Offshore-Leaks haben wiederholt gezeigt, dass PEPs britische Finanzen und britische Offshore-Rechtsordnungen nutzen, um ihr...
John-Allan Namu on Corruption in Kenya Government
zhlédnutí 3,4KPřed 8 měsíci
Extras from our documentary Behind Closed Doors about "corruption in high places and those who enable it." The interview was filmed over a year ago so it reflects the realities of the time. John-Allan Namu is one of Kenya's most well-known investigative journalists. He is the founder and editor-in-chief of the Kenya-based investigative journalism platform, Africa Uncensored. On Corruption in Ke...
A Porte Chiuse | Film-documentario
zhlédnutí 748Před 8 měsíci
Un film sulla corruzione nei più alti livelli e su coloro che la favoriscono. Le Persone Politicamente Esposte (PPE) sono coloro che occupano una funzione pubblica e, di conseguenza, presentano un rischio più elevato di venire coinvolti in tangenti o corruzione. "Offshore Leaks" hanno rivelato ripetutamente che le PPE utilizzano il sistema finanziario britannico, e le giurisdizioni offshore bri...
Arshad Sharif Explains "The Sharif Doctrine"
zhlédnutí 2,1KPřed 9 měsíci
Extras from our documentary Behind Closed Doors about "corruption in high places and those who enable it." The interview was filmed over a year ago so it reflects the realities of the time. Arshad Sharif was tragically shot and killed in Kenya in October 2022 after fleeing Pakistan. Watch the full documentary here: Sign up to our Mailing List and hear abo...
Detrás de puertas cerradas | Documental sobre cómo Occidente fomenta la corrupción global
zhlédnutí 1,1KPřed 9 měsíci
Una película sobre la corrupción en las altas esferas y sobre quienes la facilitan. Las Personas Expuestas Políticamente (PEP) son personas que desempeñan una función pública y, en consecuencia, presentan mayores riesgos de verse involucradas en sobornos o corrupción. Las filtraciones extraterritoriales han revelado repetidamente que las PEP utilizan las finanzas británicas y las jurisdicciones...
Imran Khan Explains "Laws in West Favor the Crooks"
zhlédnutí 1,6KPřed 9 měsíci
Imran Khan Explains "Laws in West Favor the Crooks"
Behind Closed Doors | کس طرح مغرب عالمی بدعنوانی کی حوصلہ افزائی کرتا ہے اس پر دستاویزی فلم
zhlédnutí 1,6KPřed 9 měsíci
Behind Closed Doors | کس طرح مغرب عالمی بدعنوانی کی حوصلہ افزائی کرتا ہے اس پر دستاویزی فلم
Arshad Sharif on Wealth of "The House of Sharif"
zhlédnutí 2,5KPřed 9 měsíci
Arshad Sharif on Wealth of "The House of Sharif"
(فيلم وثائقي) خلف الأبواب المؤصَدة
zhlédnutí 1,1KPřed 9 měsíci
(فيلم وثائقي) خلف الأبواب المؤصَدة
On The Kenyattas, Pandora Papers and the Making of a Kenyan Dynasty
zhlédnutí 3,4KPřed 9 měsíci
On The Kenyattas, Pandora Papers and the Making of a Kenyan Dynasty
Behind Closed Doors | Documentário sobre como o Ocidente incentiva a corrupção global
zhlédnutí 1KPřed 9 měsíci
Behind Closed Doors | Documentário sobre como o Ocidente incentiva a corrupção global
Arshad Sharif on Corruption of Pakistani PM Shahbaz Sharif
zhlédnutí 7KPřed 9 měsíci
Arshad Sharif on Corruption of Pakistani PM Shahbaz Sharif
Kapalı Kapıların Ardında | belgesel (Azerbaycan)
zhlédnutí 819Před 10 měsíci
Kapalı Kapıların Ardında | belgesel (Azerbaycan)
Imran Khan "We have Accepted the Corruption of the Powerful"
zhlédnutí 6KPřed 10 měsíci
Imran Khan "We have Accepted the Corruption of the Powerful"
Behind Closed Doors | How Offshore Finance Corrupts Politics
zhlédnutí 155KPřed 10 měsíci
Behind Closed Doors | How Offshore Finance Corrupts Politics
Behind Closed Doors (Official Documentary Trailer)
zhlédnutí 345KPřed rokem
Behind Closed Doors (Official Documentary Trailer)
How Intelligence Services Manipulate The Press
zhlédnutí 8KPřed 2 lety
How Intelligence Services Manipulate The Press
If you believe in democracy there has to be oversight | Colin Wallace Extras 4
zhlédnutí 3,5KPřed 2 lety
If you believe in democracy there has to be oversight | Colin Wallace Extras 4
The aim was to get the IRA to lose the will to continue fighting | Colin Wallace Extras 3
zhlédnutí 2,5KPřed 2 lety
The aim was to get the IRA to lose the will to continue fighting | Colin Wallace Extras 3
It had to be relevant to the feelings of the target audience | Colin Wallace Extras 2
zhlédnutí 2,1KPřed 2 lety
It had to be relevant to the feelings of the target audience | Colin Wallace Extras 2


  • @michealhand1001
    @michealhand1001 Před 20 hodinami

    What about the film The man who knew F#ck all😂😂😂

  • @stiiiann28
    @stiiiann28 Před 21 hodinou

    Every birth contracts is trust and all of us Are slaves to the city of London

  • @ayaanayaan9971
    @ayaanayaan9971 Před dnem

    Arshad Sharif was a nice person and true journalist 😢

  • @dentistrider3874
    @dentistrider3874 Před dnem

    Even the farthest, most extreme leftists want the same thing these economists do... revolutionary change that would democratize power and wealth. Why you would make such little, trivial changes to the current system is to really lack the imagination to envision a much better society. I'm so grateful of their understanding of how the global economy really works, but I wonder if they realize that the changes they desire are just out of the reach of what our masters would allow.

  • @davidspence4564
    @davidspence4564 Před 2 dny

    Talk about a dirty war 😮

  • @birsimia1700
    @birsimia1700 Před 2 dny

    شكرا لكم نريد المزيد من الاشرطةالوثايقية المترجمة للغة العربية

  • @cesscoco
    @cesscoco Před 3 dny

    @1.03.10 "no government is brave enough to tame them" not true.

  • @thomasmears7763
    @thomasmears7763 Před 3 dny

    Oh how I wanted to watch this but I have a rule: anyone that overdubs a psyop musak soundtrack is my enemy.

  • @ufukozbir649
    @ufukozbir649 Před 5 dny

    fucking brilliant!

  • @lawrencehobson6848
    @lawrencehobson6848 Před 5 dny

    Calling the channel "Independent POV" is basically a lie.

  • @atulsingh7539
    @atulsingh7539 Před 5 dny

    Could anyone answer it, why even with dirty social images of such politicians, win the election every time; people despite knowing the facts are still voting for that person. Why? (Across the globe)

  • @mohammedfahadnyc1385

    16:03 Correction: New york has most banks not London. Of course New york is financial capital of the world so no comparison there

  • @harrysollmer1644
    @harrysollmer1644 Před 5 dny

    BS 101

  • @learrus
    @learrus Před 6 dny

    Oddly enough, Canada's RCMP had a thing called the Dirty Tricks Campaign too, where they also terrorized their own citizens etc

  • @LailaAhmed-re5co
    @LailaAhmed-re5co Před 6 dny

    32:27 Africa! 😔😔😔😔😔

  • @samuelbair1644
    @samuelbair1644 Před 6 dny

    A little too friendly with the devil.

  • @emagoutard2576
    @emagoutard2576 Před 7 dny

    Essayer de dire, j’ai essayé d’en parler même au médecin ils m’ont pas compris quand je suis allé à la police ils ont failli m’interner. J’ai dit stop on va faire autrement je vais me débrouiller. Je vais essayer de bloquer en 2005.

  • @desertapparels
    @desertapparels Před 7 dny


  • @bushy9780
    @bushy9780 Před 7 dny

    Debt slavery. I would rather have fiefs and lords.

  • @NemesisIncognito
    @NemesisIncognito Před 8 dny

    Thanks but I don't like hearing the backward music in the background....

  • @Cristy0505
    @Cristy0505 Před 8 dny

    Every war is a banks war.

  • @Cristy0505
    @Cristy0505 Před 8 dny

    They are still doing it today.

  • @Loppatiin
    @Loppatiin Před 8 dny


  • @ashmirusallusam
    @ashmirusallusam Před 9 dny

    33:44 City of Londons got Africa in a 360 💀

  • @pilarpuente5264
    @pilarpuente5264 Před 9 dny

    Lamento corregirte que el imperio más grande nunca conocido fue el español, en la época de FelipeII.

  • @saintlybeginnings6296

    This is such an important documentary!! All people should reject any govmt push to censor/ control speech, and create disinfo overseers..

  • @johnregan5752
    @johnregan5752 Před 10 dny


  • @daniellee2343
    @daniellee2343 Před 10 dny

    What a coward

  • @Hugh9
    @Hugh9 Před 11 dny

    corrupt beyond rotten to the core.

  • @argentum_saracin888
    @argentum_saracin888 Před 11 dny

    Kot.. . Bastar

  • @argentum_saracin888
    @argentum_saracin888 Před 11 dny

    Kaldyktar, kapirler, Bizdyn ata-babalarymyzdyn kuldardyn urpagy..

  • @Craig-ew5sz
    @Craig-ew5sz Před 12 dny

    The more one finds out what the so-called ruling classes did & still do makes one feel so depressed as it's all about this vile class can continue to live in the way they have become accustomed. The other reason is so the regime doesn't collapse on there so-called 'watch'. Nasty feckers, void of any decency

  • @wissalhaji2572
    @wissalhaji2572 Před 13 dny

    The political will is lacking, they're so obsessed with building an empire even if it means they have to bring down democracies and civilizations and keep other countries struggling with tyranny and all sorts of criminals. They need to wake up and fix the mess they created. No more propaganda and misleading informations.

  • @louspring6872
    @louspring6872 Před 13 dny

    The world is run by three City States; The City of London, finance, Washington DC, military, and The Vaican, religion. It's all just a big club and you aren't a member.

    • @user-vo5og9mm5h
      @user-vo5og9mm5h Před 12 dny

      Vatican lost the power long time ago. Add Wall street on the list and Silicon Valley Big tech

  • @historyalwayslie
    @historyalwayslie Před 13 dny

    usa and israel has all the right to be human, but they choose not to be if schools taught their students about every heinous atrocity the US and West has committed abroad, the history books would be too heavy for anyone to carry. Arab To America, Gaza unveiled all the Hypocrites among Us, “If you wear a mask for too long, there will come a time when you can not remove it without removing your face.” ― Matshona Dhliwayo. ----

  • @nest1363
    @nest1363 Před 14 dny

    14:15: How would there be any significant difference in cooperating with 'intelligence' services and sponsoring terrorism? Sponsoring terrorism is the vast majority of what 'intelligence' services waste our tax money on...

  • @susettesantiago5509
    @susettesantiago5509 Před 14 dny

    And you thought that everything they were doing to other countries……they wouldn’t do to you……you are laboring under a misapprehension

  • @julianchoque7402
    @julianchoque7402 Před 15 dny


  • @matiungawharau
    @matiungawharau Před 15 dny

    Koretake ahuatanga o teraka kawangatanga 😅😅😂ee taa,hamupaka aneianei,kore te mana o teraka tāra,😅😅😅😂paru whakaaro teko korero kaka kingitanga o te tauiwi nga tangata o engarangi😅😅😅😂

  • @MrSaucepot
    @MrSaucepot Před 16 dny

    So the security forces did all of this at great length expertise and at cost to the taxpayer. Which would be a means to an end apart from the fact the end was still 25 years away. No wonder the bloody Russians are running rings around the west🤬

  • @_Prosto_Pravda_
    @_Prosto_Pravda_ Před 16 dny

    Do they ever mention the J. ?

  • @TomTschritter
    @TomTschritter Před 17 dny

    classism ands corruption are endemic and the real reason everything is getting worse

  • @colleenbeyer4681
    @colleenbeyer4681 Před 18 dny

    I don't think we want a global financial police either, though...

  • @shobinyad6643
    @shobinyad6643 Před 19 dny

    I Wish you guys would work on a project that talks about INDIA too!

  • @shobinyad6643
    @shobinyad6643 Před 19 dny

    I always was curious why Vijay Mallya is in the UK, when he is considered to be a criminal in India. But now I know the reason. As an enthusiast of Geo politics, History and in recent past developed interest in Economics too, this Documentary is soo helpful. I literally was invested in it for100%. Hope the producers have made good money.

  • @repealthepatriotact
    @repealthepatriotact Před 19 dny

    This video was financed by the Grand Cayman branch of the Bank of England and produced for $1,004,000.00 with a $1,000,000.00 tax rebate approved by Dave Hartnett from Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs. Thank you to Dave and HMR&C for making it possible to do this video for a net cost of only $4000. Cheers!

  • @vjhjjjdgr
    @vjhjjjdgr Před 19 dny

    its similar with coin system?

  • @user-zr2js5vs8b
    @user-zr2js5vs8b Před 19 dny

    Tit tttt

  • @user-hs4mw8gu6s
    @user-hs4mw8gu6s Před 19 dny

    Largest empire is Russia dont lie

  • @redfletching
    @redfletching Před 20 dny

    Colon Wallace-a traitor to his own people. Shame.