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癌友血糖控制該放寬?癌症治療中的血糖調控與營養平衡 Should Cancer Patients Loosen Blood Sugar Control?
This video explores whether cancer patients should relax their blood sugar control during treatment. For patients undergoing cancer therapy, overly strict glucose management can negatively impact their strength and hinder treatment. We'll discuss the acute and chronic complications of diabetes, explain why moderate blood sugar control can help maintain the energy needed for cancer treatment, and address specific needs during surgery and wound healing. This video provides practical advice to help cancer patients strike a balance between managing blood glucose and maintaining proper nutrition throughout their cancer journey.
zhlédnutí: 248


癌症治療與糖尿病:為何血糖控制不宜過嚴?深入解析糖尿病併發症與血糖管理 Cancer Treatment and Diabetes
zhlédnutí 157Před 14 hodinami
這段影片將探討癌症患者在治療期間如何平衡糖尿病的血糖控制。控制血糖固然重要,但過度嚴格的管理反而可能對抗癌療程產生負面影響,尤其會導致低血糖的風險增加。影片將解釋糖尿病的長期和急性併發症,並討論為什麼癌症患者需要在療程中放寬血糖控制標準,以確保身體有足夠的能量完成治療。針對即將手術或有傷口的患者,我們也將提供具體建議,如何通過藥物來調整血糖水平,確保傷口癒合和治療的順利進行。 This video explores how cancer patients can balance blood sugar control during treatment. While managing blood glucose is essential, overly strict control may hinder cancer treatment, especially by increasin...
牛牽到北京還是牛:肺癌轉移到肝臟仍然是肺癌,原發與轉移癌的解析 Understanding Primary and Metastatic Cancer
zhlédnutí 2,1KPřed 2 hodinami
這段影片將以「牛牽到北京還是牛」的比喻來解釋癌症轉移的原理。當肺癌轉移到肝臟,仍然被稱為肺癌,這是因為轉移的癌細胞來自原發腫瘤,而非新的癌症。影片將深入探討什麼是原發癌和轉移癌,並解釋為什麼癌症轉移後,治療仍然針對原發腫瘤的癌細胞,而不是轉移部位的器官。觀眾將學習到如何區分原發癌與轉移癌,並更好地理解癌症診斷和治療。 This video will use the analogy "a cow in Beijing is still a cow" to explain the concept of cancer metastasis. When lung cancer spreads to the liver, it is still referred to as lung cancer because the metastatic cells originate from the ...
誰應該接受低劑量電腦斷層(LDCT)肺癌篩檢?篩檢對象選擇標準解析Who Should Undergo Low-Dose CT (LDCT) Lung Cancer Screening?
zhlédnutí 997Před 4 hodinami
這段影片將探討誰適合接受低劑量電腦斷層(LDCT)肺癌篩檢,以及為什麼這項檢查並不適合所有人。LDCT 是目前用於早期發現肺癌的有效工具,但醫學研究表明,只有高風險族群才應進行篩檢。我們將深入解釋這項檢查的適用性,並分析高風險篩檢對象的選擇標準,例如吸菸史、年齡和家族病史等,幫助觀眾了解何時需要接受這項檢查,進而更好地管理自己的健康。 This video explores who is suitable for low-dose CT (LDCT) lung cancer screening and why this screening tool isn't suitable for everyone. LDCT is an effective method for detecting early-stage lung cancer, but medical research sh...
癌症確診後為何需要等待治療?解答患者的焦慮與擔憂 Why the Wait for Cancer Treatment After Diagnosis?
zhlédnutí 1,4KPřed 7 hodinami
這段影片將探討癌症確診後,為什麼醫生需要進行一連串的檢查並等待報告,而不是立即開始治療。許多患者擔心這段等待期會讓癌症惡化或擴散,但事實上,等待期間是為了確保診斷的準確性,並制定最適合的治療方案。影片將深入解析不同癌症類型、腫瘤狀態和臨床症狀如何影響治療的緊迫性,並提供具體建議,幫助患者在等待期間緩解焦慮,保持最佳狀態以迎接治療。 This video will explore why there is a need for a series of tests and a waiting period for reports after a cancer diagnosis, rather than starting treatment immediately. Many patients worry that this waiting period might allow the ...
主流醫學是否排斥非主流醫學? Does Mainstream Medicine Reject Alternative Practices?
zhlédnutí 717Před 9 hodinami
這段影片將深入探討主流醫學是否真的排斥非主流醫學的問題,特別是中醫與西醫在現代醫療體系中的角色。許多人認為非主流醫學在現代醫學的框架中被邊緣化或排擠,但這種排斥是否真實存在,或是否有可能實現兩者的協同合作?我們將分析這一現象的根源,並探討如何促進中西醫的共存與互補,為患者提供更全面的治療選擇。 This video will explore whether mainstream medicine truly rejects alternative practices, particularly focusing on the roles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western medicine in the modern healthcare system. Many believe that alternative med...
有沒有時間休息?演講準備、內容規劃與觀眾掌握的挑戰Do I Have Time to Rest? Preparing for a Speech
zhlédnutí 286Před 12 hodinami
這段影片將分享我在準備演講過程中的經歷與挑戰。從時間管理、演講內容的規劃到如何掌握觀眾的注意力,每個環節都至關重要。在忙碌的日程中,如何找到休息的時間並同時保證演講質量?我將分享一些實用的技巧和心得,幫助你在演講準備過程中達到最佳狀態,並成功與觀眾建立連結。 This video will share my experiences and challenges in preparing for a speech. From time management and content planning to engaging the audience, every aspect is crucial. How can you find time to rest while ensuring the quality of your presentation amidst a busy sch...
大腸癌奪走的戲劇大師:經過中正紀念堂與國家戲劇院的感傷回憶Colorectal Cancer Took a Theatre Master
zhlédnutí 711Před 14 hodinami
這段影片將分享我經過中正紀念堂與國家戲劇院時的感傷情懷,回憶起因大腸癌離世的戲劇大師李國修及其創立的屏風表演班。李國修先生對台灣戲劇界的貢獻無可替代,他的離去讓人不勝唏噓。透過這段影片,我將分享對他的懷念與敬意,並反思藝術的力量與生命的無常。 This video captures my reflective feelings as I walked past Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall and the National Theater, reminiscing about the late theatre master Li Guoxiu, who passed away from colorectal cancer, and his Ping-Fong Theatre Group. Li Guoxiu's contributions to Taiw...
癌症病患的飲食禁忌大公開:哪些NG食物不能吃? Cancer Patient Dietary Restrictions: What Foods Should Be Avoided?
zhlédnutí 4KPřed 16 hodinami
cancer.commonhealth.com.tw/article/1265 這段影片將深入探討癌症病患在治療期間的飲食禁忌,包括哪些食物可能對治療效果造成影響。根據腫瘤科醫師吳教恩的臨床建議,病患應避免菸、酒、檳榔等不良習慣,以及生菜沙拉、生魚片、未煮熟的牛肉等生食。此外,影片還將討論患者應避免的油炸食物、燒烤類等容易引發口腔潰瘍的食物,並提供一些安全的飲食建議,幫助癌症病患在治療期間維持良好的營養狀態和健康。 This video will delve into dietary restrictions for cancer patients during treatment, including which foods might negatively impact the effectiveness of treatment. Based on the clinical a...
CEA上升是否意味著罹患癌症?Does an Elevated CEA Level Mean You Have Cancer?
zhlédnutí 3,2KPřed 19 hodinami
這段影片將探討CEA(癌胚抗原)水平上升是否代表罹患癌症。雖然CEA是多種癌症的腫瘤標誌物,包括肺癌、大腸癌和胃癌,但其上升並不一定意味著癌症的存在。我們將分析CEA上升的可能原因,包括非癌症因素,以及如何在臨床上正確解讀CEA指數,幫助觀眾理解CEA的真正意義,避免不必要的恐慌。 This video will explore whether an elevated CEA (Carcinoembryonic Antigen) level means you have cancer. While CEA is a tumor marker for various cancers, including lung, colorectal, and stomach cancer, an increase in CEA levels doesn't necessarily indicate...
英國火車之旅:從倫敦到紐卡素的旅程心得分享 UK Train Journey: Reflections on the Trip from London to Newcastle
zhlédnutí 191Před 21 hodinou
這段影片將分享我從倫敦到紐卡素的火車旅程心得。英國的火車之旅不僅是交通工具,更是一次探索美麗風景的機會。我將分享旅途中所見的風景、火車服務的體驗,以及這次旅程帶給我的感受與思考。希望這段影片能讓你感受到英國火車旅行的獨特魅力,並提供一些實用的小提示。 This video will share my reflections on the train journey from London to Newcastle. A train trip in the UK is not just a mode of transportation but an opportunity to explore beautiful landscapes. I will share the scenery along the way, my experience with the train servic...
英國火車之旅:從倫敦到紐卡素的旅程心得分享 UK Train Journey: Reflections on the Trip from London to Newcastle
zhlédnutí 211Před 21 hodinou
這段影片將分享我從倫敦到紐卡素的火車旅程心得。英國的火車之旅不僅是交通工具,更是一次探索美麗風景的機會。我將分享旅途中所見的風景、火車服務的體驗,以及這次旅程帶給我的感受與思考。希望這段影片能讓你感受到英國火車旅行的獨特魅力,並提供一些實用的小提示。 This video will share my reflections on the train journey from London to Newcastle. A train trip in the UK is not just a mode of transportation but an opportunity to explore beautiful landscapes. I will share the scenery along the way, my experience with the train servic...
影片週年慶:分享一年日更的經驗與心得 Anniversary Celebration: Reflections on a Year of Daily Video Production
zhlédnutí 495Před dnem
這段影片紀念我開始日更影片的週年慶,回顧過去一年中的拍攝經歷與心得。從最初的挑戰到逐漸找到節奏,我將分享在這段旅程中學到的寶貴經驗,以及如何保持創作靈感和持續動力。透過這段影片,我希望能激勵更多創作者踏上屬於自己的創作之路,並與大家一起慶祝這特別的里程碑。 This video celebrates the anniversary of my daily video production journey, reflecting on the experiences and lessons learned over the past year. From initial challenges to finding a rhythm, I'll share the valuable insights I've gained, along with how I've maintained ...
計畫、論文與影片製作:吸引觀眾目光的關鍵 Planning, Writing, and Filmmaking: Keys to Capturing Your Audience's Attention
zhlédnutí 308Před dnem
寫計畫、寫論文、做研究和製作影片都有相似之處,都需要有好的內容才能吸引觀眾。然而,一個好的題目、標題、摘要和縮圖才是吸引觀眾的第一步。在這段影片中,我們將探討如何選擇和設計這些元素,使您的作品更具吸引力,從而更有效地傳達您的訊息。希望通過這些分享,幫助大家在各個領域中創作出更加出色的作品。 Planning, writing papers, conducting research, and making videos all have similarities-they all require good content to capture the audience's attention. However, a good topic, title, abstract, and thumbnail are crucial for grabbing the audience's int...
粒線體致癌?細胞核轉移實驗與癌症理論:批判性分析 Critiquing Nuclear Transfer Experiments and Cancer Theories
zhlédnutí 1,6KPřed dnem
粒線體致癌?細胞核轉移實驗與癌症理論:批判性分析 Critiquing Nuclear Transfer Experiments and Cancer Theories
癌症病患的電腦斷層檢查頻率:三個月、半年還是一年?How Often Should Cancer Patients Get a CT Scan
zhlédnutí 12KPřed dnem
癌症病患的電腦斷層檢查頻率:三個月、半年還是一年?How Often Should Cancer Patients Get a CT Scan
保健食品也可以做臨床試驗:為什麼不做?該如何進行?Clinical Trials for Dietary Supplements: Why Aren't They Conducted?
zhlédnutí 886Před 14 dny
保健食品也可以做臨床試驗:為什麼不做?該如何進行?Clinical Trials for Dietary Supplements: Why Aren't They Conducted?
癌症病患的器官保留:是否真的比較好?Organ Preservation in Cancer Patients: Is It Really Better?
zhlédnutí 2,2KPřed 14 dny
癌症病患的器官保留:是否真的比較好?Organ Preservation in Cancer Patients: Is It Really Better?
百億癌症新藥基金縮減至50億:打折背後的影響與挑戰 The Cancer Drug Fund Slashed to 5 Billion: Impact and Challenges
zhlédnutí 3,3KPřed 14 dny
百億癌症新藥基金縮減至50億:打折背後的影響與挑戰 The Cancer Drug Fund Slashed to 5 Billion: Impact and Challenges
癌症病患的疼痛評估與治療:如何有效管理疼痛?Pain Assessment /Treatment in Cancer Patients: How to Manage Pain Effectively?
zhlédnutí 4,3KPřed 14 dny
癌症病患的疼痛評估與治療:如何有效管理疼痛?Pain Assessment /Treatment in Cancer Patients: How to Manage Pain Effectively?
為何要看五年存活率?五年後真的可以高枕無憂嗎?the 5-Year Survival Rate: Does It Mean You're Safe After 5 Years?
zhlédnutí 14KPřed 14 dny
為何要看五年存活率?五年後真的可以高枕無憂嗎?the 5-Year Survival Rate: Does It Mean You're Safe After 5 Years?
為什麼低劑量電腦斷層檢查不需要打顯影劑?Why Low-Dose CT Scans Don't Require ?Contrast Agents
zhlédnutí 1,6KPřed 14 dny
為什麼低劑量電腦斷層檢查不需要打顯影劑?Why Low-Dose CT Scans Don't Require ?Contrast Agents
化學治療對生活品質的影響:真的有必要嗎?The Impact of Chemotherapy on Quality of Life: Is It Really Necessary?
zhlédnutí 6KPřed 14 dny
化學治療對生活品質的影響:真的有必要嗎?The Impact of Chemotherapy on Quality of Life: Is It Really Necessary?
預測早期肺癌的未來發展趨勢 Predicting the Future Developments in Early-Stage Lung Cancer
zhlédnutí 2,7KPřed 21 dnem
預測早期肺癌的未來發展趨勢 Predicting the Future Developments in Early-Stage Lung Cancer
「媽媽得了癌症」影片心得:家庭關係與醫療挑戰的深度分享 Family Dynamics, Patient Perspectives, and Medical Challenges
zhlédnutí 12KPřed 21 dnem
「媽媽得了癌症」影片心得:家庭關係與醫療挑戰的深度分享 Family Dynamics, Patient Perspectives, and Medical Challenges
中國醫學生畢業後的挑戰:住院醫師申請與台灣比較 Chinese Medical Graduates: Residency Applications Compared to Taiwan
zhlédnutí 995Před 21 dnem
中國醫學生畢業後的挑戰:住院醫師申請與台灣比較 Chinese Medical Graduates: Residency Applications Compared to Taiwan
波波醫學生爭議:醫師執照、國考制度與國外醫學院 The Controversy Surrounding Bobo Medical Students
zhlédnutí 1,3KPřed 21 dnem
波波醫學生爭議:醫師執照、國考制度與國外醫學院 The Controversy Surrounding Bobo Medical Students
電腦斷層與核磁共振顯影劑對腎臟的影響:必要性與副作用CT and MRI Contrast Agents: Impact on Kidneys, Necessity, and Side Effects
zhlédnutí 95KPřed 21 dnem
電腦斷層與核磁共振顯影劑對腎臟的影響:必要性與副作用CT and MRI Contrast Agents: Impact on Kidneys, Necessity, and Side Effects
出國開會:專家交流與面對面分享的價值 Attending International Conferences:The Value of Expert Face-to-Facet Interaction
zhlédnutí 416Před 21 dnem
出國開會:專家交流與面對面分享的價值 Attending International Conferences:The Value of Expert Face-to-Facet Interaction
打臉鐵口直斷 !腫瘤科醫師能預測癌症患者的壽命嗎?Can Oncologists Predict Cancer Patients' Lifespan?
zhlédnutí 3KPřed 21 dnem
打臉鐵口直斷 !腫瘤科醫師能預測癌症患者的壽命嗎?Can Oncologists Predict Cancer Patients' Lifespan?