Anne's Autism
Anne's Autism
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My autism and unexpected petty matters (Intermezzo 06-2020)
The key word here is UNEXPECTED. Because no matter how petty, if anything unexpected happens...
That email really got me off guard! It was Friday afternoon. All work was nearly done, and I was already all about the weekend when I received that email that totally threw me off course. It came in so unexpectedly that I lost it and it took me about half an hour to get it all back together.
I recorded this short Intermezzo right after the waves were calmed again and you can still see me shift weight strongly (the background is constantly moving :-)) as I am still so agitated. On the one hand, it annoys me that a normal thing like an email can turn my whole day upside down. And then, again, this is one of the situations my autism shows in best. I can laugh about it, now, but back then, in that situation, I could barely hold it together.
#dailyautism #everydayautism
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I am no medical professional of any kind, and I have no medical education whatsoever. I do not give medical advice, and I do not counsel as regards to autism. My videos reflect my personal point of view and my personal experiences.
My name is Anne and I was diagnosed to be on the spectrum in my late thirties. My journey has only just begun, if this is going to be a journey, at all. In the end, I have been living with autism for all my life and simply did not know. So what is going to change? Is there anything going to change, at all? Do I want things to change or let them change?
Rigth now, I guess I will just move on like I used to before my diagnosis. However, being on the spectrum explains a lot I have always been wondering about in my past and still wonder about today.
My videos are not meant to be educative about autism or advocating for it but show my process, thoughts, and actions from the moment of my diagnosis on so they are very individual. But maybe you are a female adult, too, diagnosed with autism and looking for others who are going through more or less the same thing. Maybe my videos will help you on your own journey or at least be helpful to some extend.
Thank you very much for tuning in!
#femaleautism #annesautism #myautism
zhlédnutí: 21


My autism and Theory of Mind (V06-2020)
zhlédnutí 39Před 4 lety
Me and explaining things - I will fail for sure. You are sad and need a shoulder to lean on? Hm, I could be that shoulder, but...Theory of Mind is a mystery to me. I am working on getting it right, but I don't always do. In this video, I try to explain what ToM is and how I often fail at using it. HELPFUL TIMESTAMPS 0:00:00 - Outtake 0:00:06 - Title Image & intro 0:00:26 - Disclaimer & subscrip...
My autism and choosing the right cup (Intermezzo 05-2020)
zhlédnutí 13Před 4 lety
It is the small things my autism shows in daily. Like chosing the right cup for my tea. You may think there is nothing to think about, just open the cupboard and grab a cup because every cup will be good and functional enough to contain my tea. True. But not every cup FEELS right. We have a lot of cups which are all suitable for hot beverages, but if it does not feel right in my hands and in my...
My autism and creativity (V05-2020)
zhlédnutí 25Před 4 lety
Unscripted, spontaneous video recording from our winter garden. You may hear the occasional dog park or car pass by, but I wanted to record this video as I felt like it. And now I am finished I feel like I should have mentioned so many more things in this video. But hey, maybe I will record another one about me and my autism some time in future. For now, this is what I have and wanted to talk a...
My autism and seeing details (Intermezzo 04-2020)
zhlédnutí 14Před 4 lety
Seeing details in my case means seeing everything and getting distracted a lot. There seem to be a couple of filters missing in my signal processing and I see literally everything! On a good day, like when I am emotionally balanced, I can count the spots on a butterly 10 feet away. Good vision helps here, of course, but what I mean is the moment I see a butterly I do not only see a butterfly bu...
My autism and crowds (V04-2020)
zhlédnutí 60Před 4 lety
Crowds! I can handle them sometimes and other times I cannot. But this does not mean I have to quit on concerts, festivals, markets, fairs, and other events that attract many people. What helps me adapt to a situation with larger crowds and what happens if I cannot follow my strategies is what I explain in this video. Below, you will find some helpful time stamps to navigate through these long-...
My autism and ambiguous directions (Intermezzo 03-2020)
zhlédnutí 18Před 4 lety
Taking directions is really another story! I get lost so often even if the directions are pretty clear. I need to walk or drive a way so many times before I can remember it and if then anything happens to the landscape like a new house is being build or - worse - a building is teared down I find it very difficult to find that particular way again. Landscapes are always changing and that means I...
My autism and seeing details (V03-2020)
zhlédnutí 29Před 4 lety
Not one of my best days when I recorded this video. But I wanted to do this and the light was more or less fine so I took my chance before the next rainstorm...I am pretty fidgety and lost track quite often as the close observer may realise :-D I only recently learned that I see the world in much more detail than other people do. And I still don't feel very comfortable with this idea, as I have...
My autism and not understanding implications (Intermezzo 02-2020)
zhlédnutí 28Před 4 lety
Apparently, people sometimes say one thing and imply something else. Like "Oh, this bottle of water is out of my reach" or "Ah, I really like the sweets you have too!". And typical me would answer with something like "Yeah, your arm is really not long enough" or "They are delicious, aren't they?". If you do not tell me what you want in a straight and direct way, chances are good I don't get wha...
My autism and special interests (V02-2020)
zhlédnutí 91Před 4 lety
I found it very interesting to learn that my crazyness about horses when I was a girl was actually related to my autism. I mean, who'd consider a common girl's hobby to be indicative for autism? Well, nobody did, so I was just the girl who was really into horses. The extend to what I executed this hobby seems to make the whole difference, though. So today, and with my autism diagnosis I am look...
My autism and taking things literally (Intermezzo 01-2020)
zhlédnutí 49Před 4 lety
One of the things autism comes with for me is taking things literally. I usually need a moment to understand rethorical devices like exaggerations and make sense of it. Sometimes, people might think I am playing stupid in such cases, but I am really not. I simply don't get it in the first go and need a second or two longer to understand. Regrettably, I will often already have reacted by then wi...
My autism and soothing environments (V01-2020)
zhlédnutí 34Před 4 lety
Around the time I got my diagnosis my husband and I went to the beach on a very foggy day. I took a couple of photographs, and this day and the pictures inspired me to record this very first video for my channel. In this video, I talk about what a soothing environment is for me and why it works so well for me. I guess there is many more examples to come, and the ones given really only represent...


  • @farcamp
    @farcamp Před 3 lety

    Wish you’d come back. Only aspie woman who doesn’t act like a child and lays out the difficulties encountered by older than teenage girls. Hope you are well.

    • @annesautism9003
      @annesautism9003 Před 3 lety

      Thank you so much, Melah Kehla! I am fine, I guess. Pandemic-worn but who isn't? I haven't given up on this channel, yet. Simply encountered a longer than expected drought creation-wise. I am happy you like my videos-and actually watch them! This means an aweful lot to me :-) I hope to be back recording new videos some time soon. Thanks for staying tuned!!!

    • @farcamp
      @farcamp Před 3 lety

      @@annesautism9003 glad to hear. Yes, here in the US we’ve been having lots of things happening that run counter to creativity, as well. Good that you’re happy. Continue to be so and hopefully we’ll see you back. I’m an old Aspie, an artist and could really empathize (yes, we can do it, right?) with your well-spoken experiences and feelings. Thanks for the update. Continue to be well…

  • @farcamp
    @farcamp Před 3 lety

    Hope that all is well with you and yours. Appreciate your candor and courage.