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Lowell & BW Legal debt collectors fail to collect on a statute barred debt. FIGHT BACK!
Lowell debt collectors tried unsuccessfully to enforce a debt which was unenforceable in law as 6 years had passed since any payment to the account was made and no written acknowledgement of the debt was made within this time. This then became a 'Statute barred debt'
A statute barred debt means that although the debt is outstanding, NOBODY can enforce the debt in the courts and you DO NOT HAVE TO PAY.
After this time, any debt is unenforceable but as you will see, they will still try it on.
Lowell thought they would win, but they lost because I stood up to them and knew they were trying to get me to pay money which they simply couldn't enforce in court but these people decided to waste lots of money trying it on.
They lost quite a bit of money and had to withdraw their court action because they knew the case would be thrown out by the judge after I responded to their court papers and told the court that this debt was not enforceable.
I stood up to these parasites and I won! You can too!!!
Don't fall for their discounts. If they offer a discount, they probably have a weak case and may not have the necessary documentation so demand proof of claim from them. If they can't provide this, see them in court but you MUST respond to court papers.
DON'T acknowledge the debt in writing and DON'T make even a minimum payment as this resets the 'clock' and it is then 6 years from then before the debt becomes unenforceable in law.
Once 6 years has passed without making any payment or acknowledging the debt IN WRITING, the debt becomes UNENFORCEABLE. You don't have to pay after this time, but remember, don't acknowledge in writing and don't make any payments. If you have verbally acknowledged the debt over the phone THIS DOES NOT COUNT. You must have EITHER 1, made a payment within the last 6 years to the account, or, 2, Acknowledged the debt IN WRITING.
Many of these claims are non-enforceable in law. Dispute every claim. throw a spanner in the works, get good advice, FIGHT.
Many of these debts have been written off, and these companies buy them off original creditors cheaply in the hope that they can fool you into paying something that you don't have to.
REMEMBER Many of these cheaply purchased debts are completely non-enforceable as the purchasers cannot obtain the original, signed documents showing that you owe anything, MAKE THEM PROVE YOU OWE THEM MONEY IN COURT!
IF YOU DON'T RESPOND TO COURT PAPERS, THEY WIN! Whatever you do, YOU MUST answer court papers. By doing this, you can win! If you don't, THEY WIN. You can respond online to the court so you can do this at any time, day or night, and don't need to send anything through the post.
Don't pay these people unless they have a court order.
Challenge everything! THEY have the burden of proof. You don't have to prove your case, THEY have to prove you owe THEM money and, since they have bought the debt from someone else, often without access to the original contract documentation, they may not be able to prove anything. The court will probably throw the case out in such circumstances.
THEY have to prove you owe THEM money, You don't have to disprove anything. You just have to tell the court that you dispute the claim and ask the court that you wish the debt collector to PROVE that you owe THEM money. After all, did you take out a contract with them???? Probably not!
Make them provide documentation. IF THEY CANNOT, THE CASE WILL BE THROWN OUT but you MUST respond to any court papers. Quickly. Don't let them win just because you don't respond!!!!!
Fight them. Stand up to them. You may well win!!!!
Just keep telling them, they have to prove you owe THEM money. You didn't take out a contract with them so their claim may will be unenforceable in court.
Take advice. Don't be bullied. YOU CAN WIN!!!! JUST LOOK AT MY VIDEO. I WON!!!!!!!!!!!!
zhlédnutí: 79 146



  • @jesuschrist2284
    @jesuschrist2284 Před měsícem

    Signed by mr bw legal himself

  • @robbo1233
    @robbo1233 Před 2 měsíci

    If you correspond with them they've got you. Rule no 1 A closed trap catches no flies. Rule no 2 dept collection agency's tell lies. Don't believe any letter they send you . Simples thank me later 😂

  • @user-bi5vl2mf6u
    @user-bi5vl2mf6u Před 2 měsíci

    So if they buy the dept its their dept not yours then.

  • @pjofurey6239
    @pjofurey6239 Před 3 měsíci

    Lowell’s have a nice new £52,000,000 building , the debt recovery part of the company use the legal solicitors side of the company to give the air of “legitimacy” the S.C.A have procedures pertaining to debt recovery companies masquerading as solicitors . Their game is up . They like to,use the fraudulent administration courts ( Northampton ,Salford ) which without a jury are just hearsay evidences . Ask “where did you get my personal data from ?” DSAR them then Pursue them after an ICO complaint . These parasitic companies are the lowest . And making big money on people’s misery . Congratulations on beating them and much respect for shareing your strategies .

  • @user-hv1yf2rm7m
    @user-hv1yf2rm7m Před 3 měsíci

    You issue a DSAR requiring ALL DATA pertaining to your Name. Your require sight recognition [ FULL DISCLOSURE] of the original DEED OF ASSIGNMENT. which they’ve never had. They will have to divulge everyone in the chain who’ve shared or used your DATA . As NONE of them had any legal right [ RIGHT OF CHOSE] to obtain your data they are in breach of GDPR, £5K each fine.

  • @MrVulcanbomber
    @MrVulcanbomber Před 3 měsíci

    Lowells/ their grubby in-house solicitors will push you to the bitter end to suck your cash into their grubby bank account, stand up to the scum👍 knowledge is key😁

  • @petrus666love
    @petrus666love Před 4 měsíci

    Well done you , I’m next too have too defend against a statute barred debt .

  • @anthonypearce3096
    @anthonypearce3096 Před 4 měsíci

    How about being a man And pay your debts Another scumbag

  • @petrus666love
    @petrus666love Před 5 měsíci

    Very useful, bless you sir !

  • @Luton-Mick
    @Luton-Mick Před 5 měsíci

    These dirt bags were chasing me for an old debt from 3 mobile for £630 dating back to 2014, I just downloaded and printed off a template letter off National Debtline website and sent it off, they tried calling and texting but I blocked them, never talk on the phone to them!. Anyway it took two weeks but they gave in and sent me a notification that they cancelled the account. Knowledge is power so don't be intimidated, use their system against them!

  • @tart5331
    @tart5331 Před 6 měsíci

    Im High Rate Disabled person on wheelchair ( under care help ) I live in London, Camden town, in Camden council flat. I never used any gas ... Bwlegal press me and try stolen my money. I received letter today about I have to pay £229.03 for period: 31 august 2021 to 18 November 2022, but I moved here in 09/05/2022 and British gas remove meter reading in 09/06/2022 I didn`t used any gas, what for I have to pay???, plus I rang British gas and they doesn`t want any money from me. So who is this people BWLegal, looks like criminal scammers. My care scan and sent all proof documents about when I moved to this flat and when engineer from British gas removed gas meter reading from me. I don`t have any gas in my flat and no gas meter reading, I don`t use gas. bwlegal sent to me letter after 1.5 year I have to pay £229.03. This is harassment from what for????!!! If they will press me I will contact Disability in Camden and ask about Help. I will ask solicitor and open case to the court. Im High Rate Disabled and now Im very stress and very high blood pressure.

  • @danishcomfort1678
    @danishcomfort1678 Před 7 měsíci

    Financial pirates that what they are. The sad part is the owened by Pension Fonds that are looking for easy money.

  • @deaconjohn6838
    @deaconjohn6838 Před 7 měsíci

    Got one today for a old sky debt

  • @TheTeejay73
    @TheTeejay73 Před 7 měsíci

    It's worth noting that not all unsecured debts over 6 years are statue barred, irrespective of no contact with debtor. If a CCJ has been issued with-in 6 years of the first default payment, then the CCJ stays enforceable by law.

  • @Pieface530
    @Pieface530 Před 8 měsíci

    They where impacting my credit score for years and now it's been removed from credit score they are so stupid

  • @filmnetics3276
    @filmnetics3276 Před 8 měsíci

    Just a c*nt if you don’t pay what you owe in the first place before the 6years is up😂

  • @sydhughes6041
    @sydhughes6041 Před 8 měsíci

    Lowell try this all the time,always defend a CCJ claim,they probably won't have the paperwork or records of original agreement. They know its Statued Bared but will still haunt you for money as debt still exists but unenforcable in law..

  • @joebloggs4369
    @joebloggs4369 Před 9 měsíci

    Should have counterclaimed the claim for misuse of personal data by pursuing a statute debt through court. But well done on getting it cancelled.

  • @notmyrealname121
    @notmyrealname121 Před 9 měsíci

    I've been doing this for over 10 years. Parking, speeding, Credit Cards, Internet break in contract fees, un-secured personal loans...Court fines..... If I owe someone money I will pay them immediately and in full, as long as they can prove I owe a debt. My cupboard is full of "account closed", or "we have referred this matter back to our client" or the "balance of the account is now ZERO". THREE SIMPLE LETTERS. WIsh I could help more people

  • @stanleygoodspeed8816
    @stanleygoodspeed8816 Před 10 měsíci

    Am on doing. The letter now thank you

  • @alenskrumins3697
    @alenskrumins3697 Před 10 měsíci

    I agree parasitic companies

  • @TheJmwalton
    @TheJmwalton Před 11 měsíci

    Was not stat barred if legal action was taken on it

  • @wecandothiswarriors

    OMG I found out I had a CCJ on my credit file last week,which was put on in 2019..I knew nothing about this,so have to contact the court now to find pout how??

  • @wecandothiswarriors

    And you cannot just bin it as they just take you round in circles, even when you make them aware(which they are) that it is statute barred. THEY have been taking me around in circles for 15 years with the same debt!!

  • @wecandothiswarriors

    Tried this and they still put a CCJ on me,which I was not even aware of. Going to ask the court to put to one side. So much advice out there but I just do not understand the jargon..So conflicting and confusing

  • @Ukvideoclips
    @Ukvideoclips Před rokem

    Never admit or pay statutory barred debt. It’s just begging letters. They can’t do anything. Do not be afraid of the scum.

  • @weep5426
    @weep5426 Před rokem

    lowell are easy to beat!

  • @QuickClipChronicle
    @QuickClipChronicle Před rokem

    Imagine if you just paid your debt in the first place….dickhead

  • @s1dew1nd3r4
    @s1dew1nd3r4 Před rokem

    would you be able to help me with a CCJ case? so i believe i have a benefits overpayment which should be statue barred - i did not receive the initial CCJ claim so i have not been able to reply and send in the forms to a defence etc and the court has issued me with a CCJ "forthwith payment" - to pay the benefits overpayment amount straight away, the debt relates back to 2010 and i dont believe i have had any contact or made any payments to them during the last 6 years.

  • @craigscothern5100
    @craigscothern5100 Před rokem

    Lowells arenotorious for chasing statutebarred debts relying on your ignorance that the debt is unenforceable. What this means is that after 6 years all debts drop off your credit file including bankruptcy. However this does not mean a debt collector cannot still write to asking for payment. That is all they can do, write. Once a debt has been sold to a debt collector there is no point in paying it off. It will still show in your credit file. Just let it expire in 6 years. The best thing you can do if you are struggling financially . is to talk to your creditors. Many will agree to a reduced payment until your circumstances change for the better. This will stop your credit being trashed.

    • @Dogheadmaster
      @Dogheadmaster Před rokem

      It's all good and well if it is statute barred. But this will be rare. Most people will have to pay fully, or tiny reduced otherwise they will get you in court. Sorry to burst people's bubble but you cannot beat them. The system is designed to ensure this

  • @macburninman17
    @macburninman17 Před rokem

    around last year i received a letter by them about some unusual remaining balance in one of my old three network contracts and was given to them to deal with. Since then its been 1-2 automated emails each month sent to my email then straight to the spam file. Thank God with the use of the internet, knowledge is power and since I live in Northern Ireland I don't have to sweat it as its not enforceable here

  • @annsam456
    @annsam456 Před rokem

    Thank you for this information. I'm being harassed by these people.At the age of 72.

  • @ldvconvoy4063
    @ldvconvoy4063 Před rokem

    Ignore them all. Bin every single letter

  • @lucia201189
    @lucia201189 Před rokem

    Northants county court business centre is not a court ,

  • @banafighta
    @banafighta Před rokem

    Parked at a gym for under 3hrs in 2021 and received a parking fine (says if you sign in on the tablet you can park for 3 hrs). Fast forward 2 years and several letters torn, I get a letter from BWlegal for a letter of claim to take me to court? Should I respond to the letter, one of the options is I dispute the debt but as I've read online not to fill anything in?

  • @kev845
    @kev845 Před rokem

    My daughter has been getting these same threatening letters as yours and say she owes 600 pounds but who to she does not know every day she has a letter not one but three in one day now they have sent one saying they are sending bailiffs to my home on the 14 of june 23 its my house am in ill health am on oxygen lve got copd and lve had a heart attack am 66 its worrying me and my daughter sick this lowell and they have got county court business centre who ever they are they want my daughter to send them 498 pounds and 285 for balliff fees am not going to open my door its been going on 5 to 6 years so my blinds will be staying shut my name is julie can anyone give me advice 🤔

  • @robwembley
    @robwembley Před rokem

    Bless you for sharing this very sage advice. All too often these companies seek to bully, frighten and intimidate people into paying a debt they do not owe. Very sincere thanks !

  • @lablibegum6824
    @lablibegum6824 Před rokem

    What template letter did you use please. Please send link

  • @lablibegum6824
    @lablibegum6824 Před rokem

    Is your debt barred after 6 years if you had a ccj

  • @lablibegum6824
    @lablibegum6824 Před rokem

    Can they take you to court even if the debt is after status barred limitations?

  • @Euphoftoday
    @Euphoftoday Před rokem

    They don't buy debt as debt can never be bought. Debt is an illusion. Ask them in what fiduciary capacity are they operating

  • @MustafaAli-gm5ds
    @MustafaAli-gm5ds Před rokem

    Pay you dear

  • @davidgrahambrown3793

    Did you run up these debts?

  • @adamw8818
    @adamw8818 Před rokem

    I'm in the same boat, got a letter for notice of acting via overdales solicitors which was passed of from lowell with the estimated costs... Around 2 weeks later I get a letter of claim- 30 days to prevent legal action with a form that I need to fill in, these are not issued via the court and now I don't know what to even do, it's been a little over 6 years and those accounts are still active on my credit report without any payments made, any advice is appreciated

  • @Dg-zj6jo
    @Dg-zj6jo Před rokem

    I got a letter and Iv never have a debt with anyone

  • @Freedom4PalestineEndZioNazism

    Excellent moral message - where the government and most of society fails - you're doing your bit in helping those suffering from "debt" stress.

  • @marknorville2692
    @marknorville2692 Před rokem

    All you need to do is, Dear whoever, statue bar debt, please provide proof that I owe this debt. Yours faithfully.

  • @teddybear1829
    @teddybear1829 Před rokem

    I’m getting harassed with a 157£ debt I have zero information about , it’s never said on the letters what it’s for or when ect just.. saying I have 30 days to reply or their taking me to court

  • @fk_what_they_think9281

    Are you still active on this account

  • @rickwesty
    @rickwesty Před 2 lety

    Mines gone from £40 to £80 to £100 to £230 to £40 to £80 now I think . I’m not at any address. Unless it’s my ex who took everything I own and doesn’t pay for the kids that live with me lol and she got the house 😂😂😂