Swiftie_Kim Mandarin Translation
Swiftie_Kim Mandarin Translation
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【The Manuscript 手稿】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
[Verse 1]
Now and then, she rereads the manuscript
Of the entire torrid affair
They compared their licenses
He said, "I'm not a donor but
他說道「我不是個器官捐贈者 但是
I'd give you my heart if you needed it"
如果你需要我的心 我願意將它贈予你」
She rolled her eyes and said
"You're a professional"
He said, "No, just a good samaritan"
He said that if the sex was half as good as the conversation was
他說如果他們性愛的精采程度 有這段對話的一半
Soon, they'd be pushin' strollers
那不用多久 他們便會一起推著嬰兒車
But, soon, it was over
但沒過多久 一切就結束了
[Verse 2]
In the age of him, she wished she was thirty
因為對方年紀的關係 她希望自己已經是個三十歲的女人
And made coffee every morning in a Frеnch press
Afterwards, she only atе kids' cereal
後來 她只吃得下兒童麥片
And couldn't sleep unless it was in her mother's bed
不是睡在她母親的床 她根本無法入眠
Then she dated boys who were her own age
With dart boards on the backs of their doors
She thought about how he said since she was so wise beyond her years
她不停思索著他是如何說出 因為她比實際年齡還要成熟睿智許多
Everything had been above board
She wasn't sure
And the years passed like scenes of a show
The professor said to write what you know
Lookin' backwards might be the only way to move forward
Then the actors were hitting their marks
And the slow dance was alight with the sparks
And the tears fell in synchronicity with the score
And at last, she knew what the agony had been for
最後 她終於明白這持續已久的痛苦是為了什麼
The only thing that's left is the manuscript
One last souvenir from my trip to your shores
它成為我拜訪你海岸的旅程中 留下的最後一份紀念品
Now and then, I reread the manuscript
But the story isn't mine anymore
This video was made for non-profit purpose.
The copyright belongs to its original owner.
The main purpose of this video is to translate English to Mandarim
zhlédnutí: 4 595


【Robin 羅賓】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社【Robin 羅賓】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
【Robin 羅賓】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
zhlédnutí 2,6KPřed 23 dny
[Verse 1] Long may you reign 願你的統治恆久不衰 You're an animal, you are bloodthirsty 你扮演著嗜血的動物 Out window panes talking utter nonsense 在玻璃窗外胡言亂語 You have no idea 而你毫無頭緒 [Pre-Chorus] Strings tied to levers 為何我們將線綁在門把上 Slowed-down clocks tethered 將放慢的鐘栓在牆上 All this showmanship 這些別出心裁的巧思 To keep it for you in sweetness 就是為了能讓你保持這份稚嫩 [Chorus] Way to go, tiger 做得好 小老虎 Higher and higher 越跳越高吧 Wilder and lig...
【The Bolter 飛毛腿】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社【The Bolter 飛毛腿】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
【The Bolter 飛毛腿】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
zhlédnutí 4,1KPřed 23 dny
[Verse 1] By all accounts, she almost drowned 據說她六歲時差點溺斃 When she was six in frigid water 在那座冷冽的湖泊中 And I can confirm she made 我敢斷言她是個 A curious child, ever reviled 有著強烈好奇心的小孩 By everyone except her own father 會受到除了她爸爸以外所有人的辱罵 With a quite bewitching face 生來便有一張姣好的面容 Splendidly selfish, charmingly helpless 極具魅力卻自私無比 楚楚可憐卻如此誘人 Excellent fun 'til you get to know her 在你有機會深入認識她前 一切都歡樂無比 Then she r...
【Peter 彼得潘】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社【Peter 彼得潘】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
【Peter 彼得潘】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
zhlédnutí 4,6KPřed 24 dny
[Verse 1] Forgive me, Peter 請原諒我 彼得 My lost fearless leader 我失落的無畏領袖 In closets like cedar 在那像是雪松製成的壁櫥中 Preserved from when we were just kids 珍藏著我們的孩提時光 Is it somethin' I did? 是因為我做了什麼嗎? The goddess of timing 掌管時間的女神 Once found us beguiling 曾覺得我們很特別 She said she was trying 她說她會努力讓我們重逢 Peter, was she lying? 彼得 她真的辦得到嗎? My ribs get the feeling she did 我的肋骨感覺得到她在撒謊 [Pre-Chorus] And I didn't wanna ...
【Cassandra 卡珊德拉】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社【Cassandra 卡珊德拉】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
【Cassandra 卡珊德拉】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
zhlédnutí 3KPřed 24 dny
[Verse 1] I was in my new house placing daydreams 我在新家佈置美夢 Patching up the crack along the wall 來修補牆壁上的裂縫 I pass it and lose track of what I'm saying 每當我經過那道裂痕 就會忘了自己原本在說什麼 'Cause that's where I was when I got the call 因為我就是在該處接到了那通電話 [Pre-Chorus] When the first stone's thrown, there's screamin' 當第一聲槍鳴響起那刻 駭人的尖叫聲隨即傳出 In the streets, there's a raging riot 街道上發生著無法控制的暴動 When it's "Burn the bitch,...
【The Prophecy 預言】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社【The Prophecy 預言】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
【The Prophecy 預言】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
zhlédnutí 3,3KPřed 25 dny
[Intro] One, two, three, four [Verse 1] Hand on the throttle 我將手放在油門上 Thought I caught lightning in a bottle 曾以為我能將閃電裝於瓶中 Oh, but it's gone again 噢 但它又消失無蹤了 And it was written 書籍文件上的記載證明 I got cursed like Eve got bitten 我像偷嚐禁果的夏娃般受到詛咒 Oh, was it punishment? 噢 這就是上天給我的懲罰嗎? Pad around when I get home 我回到家 無聲地來回踱步著 I guess a lesser woman would've lost hope 我想軟弱的女人會因此失去所有希望 A greater woman wouldn't...
【 I Look in People's Windows 我望著人們的窗戶】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社【 I Look in People's Windows 我望著人們的窗戶】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
【 I Look in People's Windows 我望著人們的窗戶】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
zhlédnutí 3,5KPřed 26 dny
[Verse 1] I had died the tiniest death 像是經歷小型死亡般的快感 I spied the catch in your breath 我看著你先是屏住呼吸 Out, out, out, out, out, out 接著鬆了一口氣 Northbound I got carried away 當我被北方帶走之際 As you boarded your train 你也踏上了 South, south, south, south, south, south 南向的火車 [Pre-Chorus] A feather taken by the wind blowing 像是一根隨風飄揚的羽毛 I'm afflicted by the not knowing, so 被一無所知的自己折磨 所以 [Chorus] I look in people's windo...
【thanK you aIMee 多虧有你 艾咪】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社【thanK you aIMee 多虧有你 艾咪】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
【thanK you aIMee 多虧有你 艾咪】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
zhlédnutí 5KPřed 27 dny
[Verse 1] When I picture my hometown 當我在腦海中拼湊家鄉的景象時 There's a bronze, spray-tanned statue of you 會有一座還原你黝黑肌膚的古銅色雕像 And a plaque underneath it 下方的牌匾上 That threatens to push me down the stairs at our school 則寫著要把我從學校樓梯推下去的威脅話語 [Pre-Chorus] And it was always the same searing pain 這股灼熱的痛苦依然沒有變 But I dreamed that one day I could say 但我夢想著總有一天我能說出 [Chorus] All that time you were throwin' punches, I w...
【I Hate It Here 我討厭這裡】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社【I Hate It Here 我討厭這裡】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
【I Hate It Here 我討厭這裡】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
zhlédnutí 4KPřed 28 dny
[Verse 1] Quick, quick, tell me something awful 趕快跟我傾訴些糟糕至極的事 Like you are a poet trapped inside the body of a finance guy 就好像你是個被困在財務人員體內的詩人 Tell me all your secrets, all you'll ever be is 向我坦承你的所有秘密 接下來你只會成為 My eternal consolation prize 我這輩子永遠的安慰獎 You see, I was a debutante in another life, but 你看 其實我在其他人生會是個初登場的名媛 不過 Now I seem to be scared to go outside 如今我似乎被驚嚇到不敢出門 If comfort is a constru...
【So High School 夢回高校】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社【So High School 夢回高校】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
【So High School 夢回高校】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
zhlédnutí 6KPřed 29 dny
[Intro] I feel so high school every time I look at you 每當我看著你時 我都覺得自己好像回到了高中 I wanna find you in a crowd just to hide from you 我想在擁擠的人潮中找到你 只為了能故意迴避你 [Chorus] And in a blink of a crinklin' eye 你那有著魚尾紋的眼睛眨眼之際 I'm sinkin', our fingers entwined 我便已淪陷 接著我們十指緊扣 Cheeks pink in the twinklin' lights 臉頰在閃爍的燈光下透著粉紅色澤 Tell me 'bout the first time you saw me 快告訴我 你對我的第一印象 I'll drink what you think and I'm ...
【How Did It End?怎麼結束的?】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社【How Did It End?怎麼結束的?】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
【How Did It End?怎麼結束的?】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
zhlédnutí 6KPřed měsícem
[Intro] (Uh-oh, uh-oh) [Verse 1] We hereby conduct this post-mortem 我們齊聚在此進行事後分析 He was a hot house flower to my outdoorsman 對比我其他陽光外向的男孩 他就像是溫室的花朵 Our maladies were such we could not cure them 我們的感情病入膏肓到無藥可救的地步 And so a touch that was my birthright became foreign 曾像是我出生權力般享有的觸摸 如今變得如此陌生 [Chorus] Come one, come all, it's happenin' again 所有人都跑來共襄盛舉 因為歷史又重演了 The empathetic hunger descends 這些以同情為名...
【Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus 蔻依或山姆或蘇菲亞或馬可斯】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社【Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus 蔻依或山姆或蘇菲亞或馬可斯】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
【Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus 蔻依或山姆或蘇菲亞或馬可斯】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
zhlédnutí 4,2KPřed měsícem
[Verse 1] Your hologram stumbled into my apartment 你的全息影像偶然出現在我的公寓 Hands in the hair of somebody in darkness 在一片漆黑中觸摸著某個叫做 Named Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus 蔻依或山姆或蘇菲亞或馬可斯的頭髮 And I just watched it happen 而我就這樣靜靜地看著這一切發生 As the decade would play us for fools 隨著這十年的光陰把我們當傻子玩弄 And you saw my bones out with somebody new 你看見我心不在焉地和新歡出門 Who seemed like he would've bullied you in school 他像是會在學校霸凌你...
【The Albatross 信天翁】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社【The Albatross 信天翁】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
【The Albatross 信天翁】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
zhlédnutí 5KPřed měsícem
[Verse 1] Wise men once said 智者曾說過 "Wild winds are death to the candle" 「狂風會帶走蠟燭的最後一絲光明」 A rose by any other name is a scandal 玫瑰即使換了個名字 也依然恥辱 Cautions issued, he stood 對站在原地的他傳達告誡 Shooting the messengers 但他卻將信使盡數擊落 They tried to warn him about her 他們已經盡力試著要警告他不要接近她了 [Chorus] Cross your thoughtless heart 你用你草率莽撞的心許下諾言 Only liquor anoints you 唯有飲下烈酒能給予你救贖 She's the albatross 她就像信天翁 She is here t...
【imgonnagetyouback 我會找到你】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社【imgonnagetyouback 我會找到你】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
【imgonnagetyouback 我會找到你】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
zhlédnutí 7KPřed měsícem
[Intro] Yeah [Verse 1] Lilac short skirt, the one that fits me like skin 淡紫色的短裙 像是皮膚般跟我無比契合 Did your research, you knew the price goin' in 你進行了研究 因此知道了輕舉妄動的代價 And I'll tell you one thing, honey 但我要告訴你一件事 親愛的 I can tell when somebody still wants me, come clean 我能察覺到別人是否還渴望著我 所以就老實說吧 Standin' at the bar like something's funny, bubbly 像有趣的事發生般開心站在吧檯邊 整個人充滿著活力 Once you fix your face, I'm goin' in (...
【The Black Dog 黑狗酒吧】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社【The Black Dog 黑狗酒吧】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
【The Black Dog 黑狗酒吧】 - Taylor Swift 泰勒絲 中英歌詞 中文翻譯 lyrics | TTPD 無望詩社
zhlédnutí 6KPřed měsícem
[Verse 1] I am someone who until recent events 我是直到最近的事發生前 You shared your secrets with 你總會分享祕密的那個人 And your location, you forgot to turn it off 而你忘記關閉你的定位 And so I watch as you walk 於是我監視著你的行蹤 Into some bar called The Black Dog 看見你走進一間名為黑狗的酒吧 And pierce new holes in my heart 我的心上又被刺破了一道新的孔洞 You forgot to turn it off 你忘了要封閉我對你的感情 And it hits me 著實讓我大受打擊 [Chorus] I just don't understand 我只是無法理解 ...


  • @chauyukliu117
    @chauyukliu117 Před dnem


  • @KoTube-co5eo
    @KoTube-co5eo Před dnem

    看以前大家好像都不愛這曲風,但現在才聽到這首的我覺得~這就是現在出會爆紅的歌 btw 你的翻譯比環球那個正式版好好幾百萬倍

  • @user-rs7sr7my6l
    @user-rs7sr7my6l Před 3 dny


  • @user-rs7sr7my6l
    @user-rs7sr7my6l Před 3 dny

    對泰勒絲的崇拜👋難用語言表達,❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤You are my hero

  • @wenshwei
    @wenshwei Před 3 dny


  • @user-xd9jl4ef8f
    @user-xd9jl4ef8f Před 4 dny


  • @user-xd9jl4ef8f
    @user-xd9jl4ef8f Před 4 dny


  • @Farfar71597
    @Farfar71597 Před 4 dny


  • @Farfar71597
    @Farfar71597 Před 4 dny


  • @hsasha9232
    @hsasha9232 Před 5 dny

    這首真的超讚的!列入泰勒的瘋女人系列作品中!~~~超愛又愛又瘋的歌!看完歌詞還特別去查Matty有沒有一台aston martin哈哈哈(但只查到他有bike哈哈哈)

  • @chingliu5208
    @chingliu5208 Před 5 dny


  • @user-ln6pm5yw7o
    @user-ln6pm5yw7o Před 5 dny

    2:29 想問這裡的encounter 是怎麼翻的🥲

  • @chengzhelu4853
    @chengzhelu4853 Před 6 dny

    謝謝翻譯❤ 這是歌是近期越聽越順耳的一首歌… Taylor Swift 的歌有魔力🪄 本來剛開始聽秒中別的歌 現在又覺得這首歌深深吸引我XD

  • @user-hz4un6yr3o
    @user-hz4un6yr3o Před 6 dny


  • @kuanting3526
    @kuanting3526 Před 6 dny


  • @hatawalee4022
    @hatawalee4022 Před 7 dny

    想問 Them's the breaks 的 break 是否比較接近字典中 not obey的意思呢?

  • @user-tn1jk8by1p
    @user-tn1jk8by1p Před 8 dny


  • @luckynath07
    @luckynath07 Před 10 dny

    Why pulling

  • @user-bk3we8gg4l
    @user-bk3we8gg4l Před 10 dny

    超愛這兩句歌詞 完全打動我 If you wanna break my cold, cold heart. Just say, “I loved you the way that you were” If you wanna tear my world apart. Just say you’ve always wondered.

    • @swiftie_kim1063
      @swiftie_kim1063 Před 7 dny


  • @luckynath07
    @luckynath07 Před 10 dny

    U r free n never person to disturb any one i never distrub anyone by force yrs we will never going to back together

  • @luckynath07
    @luckynath07 Před 10 dny

    I accepted ur goodbye

  • @yijingsu8126
    @yijingsu8126 Před 11 dny


    • @swiftie_kim1063
      @swiftie_kim1063 Před 7 dny

      每個人聽這首歌可能都會想到某個人👀 特別是最後一句

    • @yijingsu8126
      @yijingsu8126 Před 7 dny

      @@swiftie_kim1063 我跟我前任也是在一起蠻多年 最終還是分開了 所以可以理解歌詞想要表達的

  • @qrangefish
    @qrangefish Před 11 dny

    目前Kim的頻道來到了2.23萬訂閱,可惡居然沒有在2.22萬的時候慶祝到!!總之訂閱變多了真好呢~😄😄 2024/5/24 23:30

  • @w12122333
    @w12122333 Před 12 dny


  • @user-zy1mp5te4p
    @user-zy1mp5te4p Před 13 dny


  • @lucasleung0528
    @lucasleung0528 Před 13 dny

    I’ll be summer sun 的旋律我覺得有點像sparks fly的just close enough to touch

    • @swiftie_kim1063
      @swiftie_kim1063 Před 7 dny

      喔喔!我一開始想說有嗎 自己哼出來才發現很像!

  • @k_u_e_i
    @k_u_e_i Před 13 dny

    看了演唱會版本 再回來聽這首歌的含義 更喜歡演唱會時詮釋的方式,不論是曲風還是舞蹈

  • @user-tu3qv2yj4h
    @user-tu3qv2yj4h Před 14 dny


  • @Allen-fv3vt
    @Allen-fv3vt Před 14 dny

    感謝Kim翻譯,Florida令我最深刻的是“登登登登” “登登登登”聽起來像列隊進城的感覺🎉

  • @mm-zn1hb
    @mm-zn1hb Před 14 dny


    • @swiftie_kim1063
      @swiftie_kim1063 Před 7 dny


  • @wingsuifish
    @wingsuifish Před 15 dny


  • @ovoqwq3896
    @ovoqwq3896 Před 16 dny

    我觉得这首旋律有点像the1975的somebody else诶,有人和我一样吗?

  • @karsonleung2601
    @karsonleung2601 Před 16 dny


  • @maggie101409
    @maggie101409 Před 16 dny

    He was with her in dreams寫Joe當時心裏已想着另一個女生,就和question…?這首歌中問他的問題一樣🥲

    • @swiftie_kim1063
      @swiftie_kim1063 Před 7 dny

      或是跟The Great War中的 「Maybe it’s her」

  • @tyrvi7360
    @tyrvi7360 Před 16 dny

    The smoke cloud billows out his mouth Like a freight train through a small town The jokes that he told across the bar Were revolting and far too loud They shake their heads saying, "God, help her" When I tell them he's my man But your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger I can fix him, no, really I can And only I can The dopamine races through his brain On a six-lane Texas highway His hand so calloused from his pistol Softly traces hearts on my face And I could see it from a mile away A perfect case for my certain skillset He had a halo of the highest grade He just hadn't met me yet They shake their heads saying, "God, help her" When I tell them he's my man But your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger I can fix him, no, really I can And only I can Good boy, that's right Come close, I'll show you heaven If you'll be an angel, all mine Trust me, I can handle me a dangerous man No, really I can They shook their heads saying, "God, help her" When I told them he's my man (I told them he's my man) But your good Lord didn't need to lift a finger I can fix him, no, really I can (no, really I can) Whoa, maybe I can't

  • @minemine8184
    @minemine8184 Před 17 dny

    在飛機上聽到這首歌.. 著迷

  • @liying1124
    @liying1124 Před 17 dny

    Once upon a time, I believe it was a Tuesday when I caught your eye And we caught onto something I hold onto the night, you looked me in the eye and told me you loved me Were you just kidding? 'Cause it seems to me, this thing is breaking down We almost never speak I don't feel welcome anymore Baby what happened? Please tell me 'Cause one second it was perfect, now you're halfway out the door And I stare at the phone, he still hasn't called And then you feel so low you cant feel nothing at all And you flashback to when he said, "Forever and always" Oh, and it rains in your bedroom Everything is wrong It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone 'Cause I was there when you said, "Forever and always" Was I out of line? Did I say something way too honest, made you run and hide Like a scared little boy I looked into your eyes Thought I knew you for a minute, now I'm not so sure So here's to everything coming down to nothing Here's to silence, that cuts me to the core Where is this going? Thought I knew for a minute, but I don't anymore And I stare at the phone, he still hasn't called And then you feel so low you cant feel nothing at all And you flashback to when he said, "Forever and always" Oh, and it rains in your bedroom Everything is wrong It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone 'Cause I was there when you said, "Forever and always" You didn't mean it baby, I don't think so Oh back up, baby, back up Did you forget everything? Back up, baby, back up Did you forget everything? 'Cause it rains in your bedroom Everything is wrong It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone 'Cause I was there when you said, "Forever and always" Oh, I stare at the phone, he still hasn't called And then you feel so low you cant feel nothing at all And you flashback to when we said, "Forever and always" And it rains in your bedroom Everything is wrong It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone 'Cause I was there when you said, "Forever and always" You didn't mean it baby, You said, "Forever and always", yeah.

  • @shaotien0311
    @shaotien0311 Před 19 dny

    這首初聽後就一直很期待翻譯~現在終於追到最後一首了🤍🤍 浩大而迅速的TTPD 31首歌翻譯工程堪稱masterpiece🤩 辛苦了!!

  • @shaotien0311
    @shaotien0311 Před 19 dny


  • @REALHAHA-qiurreo
    @REALHAHA-qiurreo Před 19 dny

    "Cause she's dead" 那一段超帅!!🎉我真的很喜欢这首 很霸气地回应😂

  • @user-rn2zi8we2n
    @user-rn2zi8we2n Před 20 dny


    • @swiftie_kim1063
      @swiftie_kim1063 Před 7 dny

      這首本身就快7分鐘了 感覺可以延長到13分鐘哈哈哈

  • @sarahs8804
    @sarahs8804 Před 21 dnem

    如果把consolation prize理解成那種「天吶原來你也很慘,那我好像沒那麼可悲了」的想法會不會太邪惡💀💀 因為她的口吻像是在對聽者說:「快啊,你快點跟我說,告訴我你所有的秘密,然後你就會是我的安慰獎」

  • @carolshiao9537
    @carolshiao9537 Před 21 dnem


  • @shaotien0311
    @shaotien0311 Před 21 dnem

    這首會聽到泛淚😭 尤其是Bridge⋯拜託讓Travis change the prophecy🥺