小帆旅行记 Ivan's Trips
小帆旅行记 Ivan's Trips
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俄羅斯 🇷🇺 出發去莫斯科,去被制裁的國家旅遊要準備啥?| How to Travel to Russia Under Sanctions | Russia Travel Guide | Россия
The main content of this video is some information about traveling to Russia. Since Russia is currently under sanctions, foreign bank cards cannot be used. In addition, mobile phone apps commonly used for travel cannot be used in Russia, so you must do enough before going to Russia. Get ready, you can refer to this video~
Основное содержание этого видео - информация о поездках в Россию. Поскольку Россия в настоящее время находится под санкциями, использовать иностранные банковские карты нельзя. Кроме того, в России нельзя использовать приложения для мобильных телефонов, которые обычно используются для путешествий, поэтому вам необходимо сделать все необходимое заранее. Собираюсь в Россию, можно посмотреть это видео~
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✅ 這些是我的設備! 👍 Equipment I USE!
主拍攝設備(Main Camera): IPHONE 15
輔助拍攝1(Auxiliary Camera1): DJI Osmo Action
輔助拍攝2(Auxiliary Camera2): DJI Osmo Pocket 2
zhlédnutí: 222


土耳其 🇹🇷 伊斯坦布爾安全嗎?看看恐襲爆炸之後的獨立大街 | Is it safe to travel in Istanbul? | Turkey travel guide | Türkiye
zhlédnutí 157Před 7 hodinami
這期視頻的主要內容是帶大家體驗一下土耳其的傳統快餐,並且逛一下晚上的獨立大街,讓大家感受一下土耳其最為繁忙的地段在晚上的時候是怎樣的,看看2022年年底的那次恐怖襲擊對於當地人有沒有什麼影響? The main content of this video is to take you to experience Turkey’s traditional fast food and take a tour of Istiklal Street at night, so that you can feel what Turkey’s busiest area looks like at night, and take a look at the horror at the end of 2022 Did the attack have any impact on the locals? ...
土耳其 🇹🇷 第四次來伊斯坦佈爾,帶大家去老城區一日遊 | Istanbul Old Town 1 Day Tour | Turkey travel guide | Türkiye seyahati
zhlédnutí 171Před 14 hodinami
這期視頻的主要內容是分享伊斯坦布爾老城區值得逛的一些地方,由於這是我第四次來伊斯坦布爾旅遊,關於這座城市最著名的旅遊景點都已經拍攝過了,這期視頻就把老城區沒有拍攝過的幾個地方帶大家去看一下~ The main content of this video is to share some places worth visiting in the Old Town of Istanbul. Since this is my fourth trip to Istanbul, I have already photographed the most famous tourist attractions in the city. This video will focus on the Old Town. Let me show you some places that I haven’t p...
土耳其 🇹🇷 伊斯坦布爾機場地鐵初體驗,到市區只要20里拉 | First experience of Istanbul Airport Metro, Only 20 lira to the city
zhlédnutí 214Před 19 hodinami
這期視頻的主要內容是分享2024年再次入境土耳其的最新政策,包括申請電子簽證需要知道的一些最新政策,另外伊斯坦堡新機場開通地鐵了,地鐵體驗超級棒,從機場到市區只要20里拉,來土耳其旅遊可以參考哦~ The main content of this video is to share the latest policies for re-entering Turkey in 2024, including some of the latest policies you need to know when applying for an e-visa. In addition, the new Istanbul Airport has opened a subway. The subway experience is great. It only costs 20 lira from t...
歐洲 🇪🇺 申根區64天12國旅遊總結,看看一共花了多少錢 | How much does it COST in Schengen Area for 64 Days | European travel
zhlédnutí 200Před dnem
這期視頻的主要內容是關於我在歐洲申根區旅行64天的一個總結,列出了我在申根區旅遊的所有開銷:包括住宿、交通以及一日三餐等費用,另外還總結了在歐洲旅遊需要注意的一些事情,希望可以給大家做個參考~ The main content of this video is a summary of my 64-day trip to the Schengen Area in Europe. It lists all my expenses for traveling in the Schengen Area: including accommodation, transportation, three meals a day, etc., and also summarizes my travel expenses in Europe. Some things you need to pay a...
匈牙利 🇭🇺 第二天探索布達城,城堡山上俯瞰多瑙河 | Buda City Travel Guide | Budapest | Hungary Travel Guide | Magyarországi
zhlédnutí 124Před dnem
這期視頻的主要內容是分享我布達佩斯之行第二天的行程,這一天我從佩斯城走過自由橋去往佈達城,並在佈達城進行了一日遊,打卡了佈達城必逛的旅遊景點,還在城堡山上俯瞰了整座布達佩斯城和多瑙河,非常讚~ The main content of this video is to share my itinerary for the second day of my trip to Budapest. On this day, I walked across the Liberty Bridge from Pest City to Buda City, and took a one-day tour in Buda City, checking in to Buda City. A must-visit tourist attraction, you can also overlook the e...
匈牙利 🇭🇺 第一天探索佩斯城,打卡10個必逛的地方 | 10 Must Visit Places in Pest City of Budapest | Hungary Travel Guide
zhlédnutí 136Před 14 dny
這期視頻的主要內容是分享布達佩斯之佩斯城10個必逛的地方,因為布達佩斯是由兩座城市組成,所以我布達佩斯之行的第一天就是從探索佩斯城開始,打卡了當地10個必逛的景點,大家可以參考我的遊覽路線~ The main content of this video is to share the 10 must-visit places in Budapest and Pest City. Because Budapest is composed of two cities, the first day of my trip to Budapest started with exploring Pest City and checked in the 10 must-visit places in the city. For the scenic spots you want to visit,...
匈牙利 🇭🇺 布達佩斯之行,交通攻略+青旅推薦 | Budapest Transport & Hostel Guide | Hungary Travel Guide | Magyarországi
zhlédnutí 270Před 14 dny
這期視頻的主要內容是分享怎樣從佈拉迪斯拉發坐大巴去布達佩斯,到達布達佩斯之後如何購買當地的72小時交通卡以及如何乘坐布達佩斯的地鐵,最後推薦布達佩斯市中心位置性價比最高的青旅,你們可以參考一下~ The main content of this video is to share how to take the bus from Bratislava to Budapest, how to buy the local 72-hour transportation card after arriving in Budapest, how to take the Budapest metro, and finally recommend the most cost-effective youth hostel in the center of Budapest. , you can re...
斯洛伐克 🇸🇰 佈拉迪斯拉發一日遊,必逛的10個地方 | 10 Must Visit Places in Bratislava | Slovakia Travel Guide | Slovensku
zhlédnutí 105Před 14 dny
這期視頻的主要內容是佈拉迪斯拉發一日遊,雖然這座城市的規模非常小,但是值得逛的地方卻不少的,所以今天特意帶大家去逛一下佈拉迪斯拉發必去的10個地方,希望對打算去斯洛伐克旅遊的朋友可以做個參考~ The main content of this video is a day trip to Bratislava. Although this city is very small, there are many places worth visiting, so today I specially take you to visit Bratislava. 10 must-visit places, I hope it can be a reference for friends who plan to travel to Slovakia~ 这期视频的主要内容是布拉迪斯拉发一日游,虽然...
斯洛伐克 🇸🇰 坐大巴去佈拉迪斯拉發,如何選擇當地青旅?| BUS Tour to Bratislava & The BEST Hostel | Slovakia Travel Guide
zhlédnutí 119Před 14 dny
這期視頻的主要內容是從維也納坐大巴去佈拉迪斯拉發,全程只要2個小時左右,票價8歐元,到達佈拉迪斯拉發之後入住了當地性價比最高的青旅,位置非常好,有打算去佈拉迪斯拉發的朋友可以參考一下我的行程~ The main content of this video is to take the bus from Vienna to Bratislava. The whole journey only takes about 2 hours and the ticket price is 8 euros. After arriving in Bratislava, we stayed at the most cost-effective youth hostel in the area. The location is very good. OK, those who plan to go to...
奧地利 🇦🇹 去看維也納的多瑙河,偶遇遊行車隊 | Visit the Danube in Vienna | Austria Travel Guide | Reiseführer Österreich
zhlédnutí 101Před 21 dnem
這期視頻的主要內容是帶大家去看一下維也納的多瑙河,在維也納市區有3條多瑙河,一條是多瑙運河,另外兩條是被多瑙島分開的支流,坐U1地鐵可以直達美麗的多瑙島,在去多瑙島的途中還偶遇了一個遊行的車隊~ The main content of this video is to take you to see the Danube River in Vienna. There are three Danube rivers in the city of Vienna, one is the Danube Canal, and the other two are tributaries separated by the Danube Island. You can take the U1 subway directly to the beautiful Danube River. Danube ...
奧地利 🇦🇹 維也納教堂一日遊,打卡老城區6座最美教堂 | TOP 6 Beautiful Churches in Vienna | Austria Travel Guide | Österreich
zhlédnutí 116Před 21 dnem
這期視頻的主要內容是維也納老城區一日遊,帶大家打卡老城區最美的6座教堂,每座教堂都非常有特色,歷史也都非常悠久,而且保存的非常完整,最早可以追溯到13世紀,最重要的是這些教堂全部免費,強烈推薦~ The main content of this video is a one-day tour of the Old Town of Vienna, showing you the 6 most beautiful churches in the Old Town. Each church is very unique, has a very long history, and is very well preserved. It can be traced back to the 13th century. Century, the most important thing is tha...
奧地利 🇦🇹 維也納8個必逛的地方,市政廳前吃炒年糕! | 8 Must Visit Places in Vienna | Austria Travel Guide | Österreich
zhlédnutí 162Před 21 dnem
這期視頻的主要內容是帶大家逛一下維也納市區必逛的8個地方,包括沃蒂夫教堂、維也納市政廳、奧地利國會大廈等地方,其中市政廳前廣場上有電影節的美食活動,有很多亞洲美食,我吃了韓國的炒年糕,非常讚~ The main content of this video is to take you to visit 8 must-visit places in Vienna, including Votive Church, Vienna City Hall, Austrian Parliament Building and other places. Among them, there is a film festival food event in the square in front of the City Hall. There are a lot of Asian food. I ha...
奧地利 🇦🇹 坐大巴去維也納,如何購買當地交通日卡? | BUS Tour to Vienna & Buy 1 Day Transport Ticket | Austria Travel Guide
zhlédnutí 195Před 28 dny
這期視頻的主要內容是從布拉格坐大巴去維也納,包含坐大巴的整個過程,以及到達維也納之後如何購買當地的交通日卡和維也納市區高性價比的青旅推薦,如果你也計劃來維也納旅遊,可以參考我這一天的行程~ The main content of this video is taking the bus from Prague to Vienna, including the entire process of taking the bus, as well as how to purchase a local transportation day card after arriving in Vienna and recommendations for cost-effective youth hostels in Vienna. If you also plan to travel to Vien...
捷克 🇨🇿 布拉格城堡一日游,探索欧洲最大的中世纪城堡群 | Walking Tour in Prague Castle | Czech Travel Guide | České cestování
zhlédnutí 130Před 28 dny
捷克 🇨🇿 布拉格城堡一日游,探索欧洲最大的中世纪城堡群 | Walking Tour in Prague Castle | Czech Travel Guide | České cestování
捷克 🇨🇿 打卡蔡依林的布拉格广场,品嘗捷克的國寶甜品 | TOP10 Places in Prague Old Town | Czech Travel Guide | České cestování
zhlédnutí 200Před měsícem
捷克 🇨🇿 打卡蔡依林的布拉格广场,品嘗捷克的國寶甜品 | TOP10 Places in Prague Old Town | Czech Travel Guide | České cestování
捷克 🇨🇿 坐大巴從柏林去布拉格,感覺物價一下子便宜好多 | BUS Tour to Prague | Czech Travel Guide | Český cestovní průvodce
zhlédnutí 497Před měsícem
捷克 🇨🇿 坐大巴從柏林去布拉格,感覺物價一下子便宜好多 | BUS Tour to Prague | Czech Travel Guide | Český cestovní průvodce
德國旅遊 🇩🇪 柏林一日遊,市區必逛的12個地方 | Berlin TOP12 Must See | Germany Travel Guide | Reiseführer Deutschland
zhlédnutí 324Před měsícem
德國旅遊 🇩🇪 柏林一日遊,市區必逛的12個地方 | Berlin TOP12 Must See | Germany Travel Guide | Reiseführer Deutschland
德國旅遊 🇩🇪 遊覽柏林墻,當年的圍墻是這樣的 | Berlin Wall One Day Tour | Germany Travel Guide | Reiseführer Deutschland
zhlédnutí 159Před měsícem
德國旅遊 🇩🇪 遊覽柏林墻,當年的圍墻是這樣的 | Berlin Wall One Day Tour | Germany Travel Guide | Reiseführer Deutschland
德國旅遊 🇩🇪 柏林旅遊交通卡購買攻略+低價青旅推薦 | Berlin public transport ticket and hostel | Germany Guide | Deutschland
zhlédnutí 294Před měsícem
德國旅遊 🇩🇪 柏林旅遊交通卡購買攻略 低價青旅推薦 | Berlin public transport ticket and hostel | Germany Guide | Deutschland
德國旅遊 🇩🇪 不來梅一日遊,最值得打卡的10個地方 | 10 BEST Places to Visit in Bremen | Germany Travel Guide | Deutschland
zhlédnutí 167Před měsícem
德國旅遊 🇩🇪 不來梅一日遊,最值得打卡的10個地方 | 10 BEST Places to Visit in Bremen | Germany Travel Guide | Deutschland
德國旅遊 🇩🇪 從漢堡坐大巴去不來梅,入住漢堡同款青旅 | Hamburg to Bremen BUS Tour | Germany Travel | Reiseführer Deutschland
zhlédnutí 142Před měsícem
德國旅遊 🇩🇪 從漢堡坐大巴去不來梅,入住漢堡同款青旅 | Hamburg to Bremen BUS Tour | Germany Travel | Reiseführer Deutschland
德國旅遊 🇩🇪 漢堡一日遊,最值得去的6個地方 | 6 BEST Places to Visit in Hamburg | Germany Travel Guide | Deutschland
zhlédnutí 191Před měsícem
德國旅遊 🇩🇪 漢堡一日遊,最值得去的6個地方 | 6 BEST Places to Visit in Hamburg | Germany Travel Guide | Deutschland
德國旅遊 🇩🇪 從荷蘭坐大巴去德國漢堡,低價青旅推薦 | Amsterdam to Hamburg BUS Tour | Germany Travel Guide | Deutschland
zhlédnutí 197Před měsícem
德國旅遊 🇩🇪 從荷蘭坐大巴去德國漢堡,低價青旅推薦 | Amsterdam to Hamburg BUS Tour | Germany Travel Guide | Deutschland
荷蘭旅遊 🇳🇱 贊丹風車村,打卡荷蘭最美的風車小鎮 | The Most Beautiful Windmill Town | Netherlands Travel Guide | Nederland
zhlédnutí 190Před měsícem
荷蘭旅遊 🇳🇱 贊丹風車村,打卡荷蘭最美的風車小鎮 | The Most Beautiful Windmill Town | Netherlands Travel Guide | Nederland
荷蘭旅遊 🇳🇱 贊丹樂高小鎮,看超級魔幻的積木房屋 | Zaandam Lego Town | Netherlands Travel Guide | Reis naar Nederland
zhlédnutí 318Před měsícem
荷蘭旅遊 🇳🇱 贊丹樂高小鎮,看超級魔幻的積木房屋 | Zaandam Lego Town | Netherlands Travel Guide | Reis naar Nederland
荷蘭旅遊 🇳🇱 阿姆斯特丹一日遊,推薦8個必去的地方 | 8 Must-See Places in Amsterdam | Netherlands Travel Guide | Nederland
zhlédnutí 241Před měsícem
荷蘭旅遊 🇳🇱 阿姆斯特丹一日遊,推薦8個必去的地方 | 8 Must-See Places in Amsterdam | Netherlands Travel Guide | Nederland
荷蘭旅遊 🇳🇱 從鹿特丹去阿姆斯特丹,低價青旅推薦 | Rotterdam to Amsterdam BUS Tour | Netherlands Travel Guide | Nederland
zhlédnutí 196Před měsícem
荷蘭旅遊 🇳🇱 從鹿特丹去阿姆斯特丹,低價青旅推薦 | Rotterdam to Amsterdam BUS Tour | Netherlands Travel Guide | Nederland
荷蘭旅遊 🇳🇱 坐輪渡去小孩堤防,看世界最大風車村 | FerryTour to Kinderdijk | Netherlands Travel Guide | Reis naar Nederland
zhlédnutí 225Před měsícem
荷蘭旅遊 🇳🇱 坐輪渡去小孩堤防,看世界最大風車村 | FerryTour to Kinderdijk | Netherlands Travel Guide | Reis naar Nederland
荷蘭旅遊 🇳🇱 海牙半日遊景點推薦,全程交通攻略 | Rotterdam to The Hague Half-Day Tour | Netherlands Travel | Nederland
zhlédnutí 225Před měsícem
荷蘭旅遊 🇳🇱 海牙半日遊景點推薦,全程交通攻略 | Rotterdam to The Hague Half-Day Tour | Netherlands Travel | Nederland


  • @shifangzhou
    @shifangzhou Před 7 hodinami


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 18 minutami


  • @bobwang4813
    @bobwang4813 Před 7 hodinami


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 17 minutami


  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před dnem


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před dnem


  • @mopikozz
    @mopikozz Před 2 dny

    which area did you stay at? or recommend

    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před dnem

      I suggest you live near Kunming South Railway Station. It is more convenient to take a train or an intercity bus. It is also very convenient to take a bus in the city.

  • @user-yv4pi8eh4r
    @user-yv4pi8eh4r Před 2 dny


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před dnem


  • @feifei7540
    @feifei7540 Před 3 dny


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před dnem


    • @feifei7540
      @feifei7540 Před dnem

      @@ivanstrips 谢谢。原来你在携程也有账号,也关注了

  • @seanting1654
    @seanting1654 Před 3 dny

    請教整個流程花費時間和費用嗎? 考慮從檳城前往合艾的旅遊計畫

    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před dnem


  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před 3 dny


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před dnem


  • @shirleypang22
    @shirleypang22 Před 4 dny

    Love your video. May I ask how many days needed to do the 8 thing in Lijiang?

    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 3 dny

      Thank you for watching my video. Actually, Lijiang Ancient Town is not big, one day is enough. If you don't want to rush, you can arrange 2 days or more. However, there are also scenic spots such as Suhe Ancient Town, Baisha Ancient Town and Jade Dragon Snow Mountain around Lijiang. It is recommended to arrange one day for each of these attractions. hope you have a wonderful tour.🙏

  • @Ryanliu0319
    @Ryanliu0319 Před 6 dny


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 4 dny


  • @sallychong7473
    @sallychong7473 Před 6 dny


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 4 dny


  • @deny-yk9tc
    @deny-yk9tc Před 7 dny


  • @user-ni6fg9yk1c
    @user-ni6fg9yk1c Před 8 dny


  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před 8 dny


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 6 dny


  • @sioung
    @sioung Před 8 dny


  • @baphomet4413
    @baphomet4413 Před 9 dny


  • @freesouru
    @freesouru Před 9 dny


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 9 dny


  • @sioung
    @sioung Před 9 dny


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 9 dny


    • @sioung
      @sioung Před 8 dny


  • @scotchtapeprintergumtapepr5473


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 9 dny


  • @user-ir7fe2kj1u
    @user-ir7fe2kj1u Před 10 dny


  • @timlee1763
    @timlee1763 Před 10 dny


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 9 dny


  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před 10 dny


  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před 10 dny

    你说你从波尔图到Salerova. Salerova 是什么国家?

    • @qqqquito
      @qqqquito Před 10 dny


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 9 dny

      对 就是沙勒罗瓦,应该是谷歌翻译错了😅

  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před 10 dny

    我们一家:我一个人和五姐一家五口共六人在欧洲五个国家:英国,瑞士,德国,奥地利,斯洛伐克,二十天,坐了三趟飞机!一个人共11 千三百马币! 住民宿Airbnb. 三餐大部分自己煮,只在快餐店吃了五餐!蛮节省划算的!如果跟团二十天,又去到瑞士英国高消费国家,至少在二十多千马币一个人!

    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 9 dny


  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před 10 dny


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 9 dny


  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před 10 dny


    • @classics39
      @classics39 Před 10 dny

      Of course, not! Russia is not Schengen Area! ,

    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 9 dny


  • @qqqquito
    @qqqquito Před 11 dny

    17:50 19:25 多瑙河景色迷人!

    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 11 dny

      是的 多瑙河真的得從高處看才好看

  • @classics39
    @classics39 Před 12 dny

    Quite fascinating how well informed you are..... Recently, after living for decades in this beautiful city, I walked in the early evening from Donaustadt/Danube-stadt (a district across /east of the Danube) towards Schedenplatz, the Inner City, where you started this episode... It took about an hour, and the approach was so beautiful, particularly the "Mexikokirche." It's huge, one of the most beautiful und underrated churches, and I have never seen it from this angle...St. Francis of Assisi Church, officially...

    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 11 dny

      Thank you for watching my video. Vienna is really a very beautiful city, and the banks of the Danube River are also very beautiful. But what impressed me most were the churches in Vienna, especially St. Stephen's Cathedral. Personally, I feel it is more beautiful than the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. so beautiful, really wonderful👍

  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před 12 dny

    49 欧元的德国月票那里買?什么网站?

    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 11 dny


    • @Ducati368
      @Ducati368 Před 10 dny

      @@ivanstrips 好的!谢谢您!

  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před 12 dny


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 11 dny


    • @Ducati368
      @Ducati368 Před 10 dny

      @@ivanstrips 好的!如果从荷兰过去波兰,经过德国,一路玩著过是不错的!不必浪费车费,可以一箭三雕!不来梅,汉堡, 柏林一直玩著过!

  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před 12 dny

    请问德国用什么Apps 買火车票?

    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 11 dny


    • @Ducati368
      @Ducati368 Před 10 dny

      @@ivanstrips 的确是!毕竟欧元汇率很高!真的不划算!有钱的亚洲人去到欧洲都变成普通人,普通收入的亚洲人去到欧洲都变成穷人!😂 去到才買会買不到票吗?最近我们去Hallstat 休斯塔特很热门,一个半月前订巴士票都卖完,只剩火车票!

  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před 12 dny

    德国科隆cologne 大教堂有去吗?

    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 11 dny


  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před 12 dny


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 11 dny


    • @Ducati368
      @Ducati368 Před 10 dny

      @@ivanstrips 忘了你们中国手机都是写中文的!我们都是写英文!

  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před 12 dny


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 11 dny

      估計是轉的太慢了看不出來,延時攝影應該可以看出來。 是的,那個吊著的人感覺確實有點危險

  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před 12 dny


  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před 12 dny


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 11 dny


  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před 12 dny


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 11 dny


    • @Ducati368
      @Ducati368 Před 10 dny

      @@ivanstrips 布达佩斯是下次去欧洲必去打卡旅游景点!

  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před 12 dny


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 11 dny


    • @Ducati368
      @Ducati368 Před 10 dny

      @@ivanstrips 谢谢您的资料!下次去应该会住在佩斯!

  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před 12 dny


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 11 dny


    • @Ducati368
      @Ducati368 Před 10 dny

      @@ivanstrips Wow! 俄罗斯美吗?物价应该比较便宜吧?比东欧便宜吗?很期待您的俄国之旅的视频出街!

  • @scotchtapeprintergumtapepr5473


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 13 dny


  • @qqqquito
    @qqqquito Před 13 dny


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 13 dny


  • @scotchtapeprintergumtapepr5473

    老乡,GOOGLE 离线语言翻译包,华为手机可以用吗? 就是手机没网也可以用是吧?

    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 13 dny


  • @classics39
    @classics39 Před 15 dny

    Sorry, for the heat.....it's really tough. You should have gone to Slovakia's second and without any doubt most beautiful city.....Kosiçe..... it's absolutely stunning. Not touristy and wonderfully lively with locals....stunning Art Noveau, great restaurants, Cafés and bars, outstanding gelatos.... and the amazing history, architecture...

    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 14 dny

      Thank you for your suggestion. I will definitely go there next time I go to Slovakia. Although the weather in Bratislava is very hot, the city is still very beautiful. I like this city very much.

    • @classics39
      @classics39 Před 14 dny

      @@ivanstrips If you like Bratislava, you'll love Kosiçe.... it's really much more beautiful, it's unique. My home town is Vienna; I visited a couple of months ago for the first time and was smitten, couldn't believe my eyes. So hopefully you come back into the region soon. And when you visit Hungary again, - I really love Budapest, it holds a special fascination for me - go to the second most beautiful city: Pécs. It's only a 3 hours train ride from Budapest. Safe travels!

  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před 15 dny


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 14 dny


  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před 15 dny


  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před 15 dny


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 14 dny


  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před 15 dny


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 14 dny

      谢谢哦🙏 马六甲的美食确实很多,而且很有特色👍

  • @user-ni6fg9yk1c
    @user-ni6fg9yk1c Před 16 dny

    COME ON!

    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 14 dny

      thank you for watching my video🙏

  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před 16 dny


    • @qqqquito
      @qqqquito Před 16 dny


    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 14 dny


  • @Ducati368
    @Ducati368 Před 16 dny

    Rogio jet 巴士的内部感觉比Flixbus 好!❤ 有电视频幕看吗?

    • @ivanstrips
      @ivanstrips Před 14 dny
